Sort by start date search function

A huge thank you to THS for adding the new search facility whereby to can sort sits by start date. For sitters who have specific dates in mind this is a massive help and will save time searching through for the date needed. :ok_hand::hugs:


Couldnā€™t see it on the app which I use but found it on the desktop version. Nice!


Great! Iā€™ve missed that!

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An excellent addition to the search function :grinning:
Thanks THS


WOW, at last, thatā€™s brilliant


THS being a ā€œquiet achieverā€ :clinking_glasses:

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Great addition ( but it would be nice to combine filters - especially the distance one with the start date )

The ā€œrecommendedā€ filter could be scrapped altogether itā€™s just sits with low applications .

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Could we now concentrate on getting the new sits filter to work as it should?


Would love this on the app!

Hi @Kbco I have it on the app. The only thing I am finding annoying about it is that the search by start date does not ā€˜stickā€™ on saved searches so pretty useless in that respect.

It is on the app, maybe see if the app needs an update but itā€™s definitely on mine.

Ugh, youā€™re right. Itā€™s there.