The book comes as hardbound, paperback, Kindle and audio book.
This is an inside look at Albania. The author, a professor of political theory at the London School of Economics, who as a child viewed Stalin as a hero, witnesses the toppling of the Berlin Wall and the descent of her country into democratic chaos and civil war.
As for a meeting date, here are a few possibilities. Please post your preferences:
Tues, 24 Sept
Wed, 25 Sept
Thurs, 26 Sept
Tues, 8 Oct
Wed, 9 Oct
The book sounds very interesting! The September dates most likely will be best for me since i know where i’ll be then. I’m not sure where ill be in October, but im sure i can make those dates too.
Hi @Maeve,
I’m really looking forward to discussing this book with the rest of the group. Any of the days you listed are ok, but a Tuesday meeting would work best for me.
Thanks for organizing us!
Just FYI, I was able to check this book out from the Houston library as an e-book
I’ve ordered a copy of the book so I’ll have some reading material for our upcoming housesit in France.
I’m not certain what dates will work for me yet, as it’s school term time and I tend to be driving the boys to and from after school clubs several evenings a week! I don’t know until they are back at school what clubs they will be doing when, except for football training on a Wednesday. So Tuesday or Thursday would probably work better for me.
I’d say Tuesday 24th September or Tuesday 8th October are best for me.
If it’s one of the September dates I’ll actually be joining from Albania!
Looking forward to it.
Thanks @Maeve
@Debbie, hoping this will work for you. Have your sons ever been to France? They’ll be learning some useful words like sit, stay and go potty in French.
@MaggieUU, wishing you an enjoyable couple of sits in Toronto.
@Landbiscuit, how lucky that you were able to find the e-book at the library. I hope your sit in Sweden continues to be lovely.
@hitchedandhiking , it’s serendipitous that you’ll be in Albania when we discuss the book. Reading a book set in the location you’re traveling adds another dimension to the experience. My trip to England years ago was made so much richer by reading The Remains of the Day while there.
@Maeve Will was in France with school back in February. Just a day at Disneyland and a day sightseeing in Paris, so he didn’t speak much french! Ed passed through France briefly on his way to The Netherlands with his football club at Easter. So it’s Ed’s first time, and the first taste of the real France for Will. Sitting an 11 month old terrier puppy, their most used word so far is “Non!”
I picked up the book at the library yesterday. I have a couple of books to read ahead of this one but should be done in good time for October 8th.
I hope you’re well and enjoying these last days of summer. I’m sitting with 5 fluffy Persian kitties for 2 1/2 weeks in sweltering Phoenix, the.perfect time to catch up on some reading. Sorry I missed the last gathering due to a last minute meeting.
What a great read the current book is! Set in such an interesting time and place. Fabulous pick whoever’s responsible. I hope you all are enjoying it as much as I am.
And yes, I heard an interview with the mayor of Phoenix a few days ago discussing the heat situation there, the cooling stations in place and the health implications. I hope you and your kitty charges are all staying as comfortable as possible.
I agree, the book is good read and I, too, am looking forward to the discussion on the 8th of October! See you then!