@redwing007 Welcome to the forum, it’s lovely to have you here
Congratulations on your first sit! Where are you headed and what pets are you caring for?
If you go to the help desk and type in Insurance you can find all of the available types there and read the terms of what is included in each one.
Here is the link to help you get started:
There is insurance which covers the owner’s home and contents and also sitter insurance that covers third party and liability should the pet injure another pet, person or property whilst in the sitter’s care.
I couldn’t see anything that specifically would cover the pet, but in the T&Cs it advises owners to have pet insurance and plans in place for veterinary care.
You can reach out to the Membership Services Team for more information at support@trustedhousesitters.com
There might also be more information on this thread:
Good Luck on your first sit