Timing for when listings are moved to "Sits without current dates"

How much time does it take for a lisiting to reappear under the heading “sits without current dates” once a sit had been completed (and there are no other confirmed sits in the future) ?

There is no waiting until a sit is completed. Once a HO confirms a sitter, the listing shows as “no sitter required”.

Maybe I’m not fully understanding your question… the heading of your thread is a little confusing.

All sitters, whether they’ve left reviews or not, are visible on the App. Only those sitters who have left reviews are visible on the website.


I’m tagging @Therese so that you can get an accurate answer to your question. I know that realistically not every past owner listing can display, but how certain ones do appear, that I don’t know. It may be an algorithm, but Therese will update us.

I’m basing my answer on your post content, but I’m unsure about your post heading. If I’m on the wrong track, please explain. Thanks.

Volunteer moderator :canada:

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@Snowbird , thankyou.
Not sure why the header came out that way… :thinking: I’ll see I can edit…
(Yes the content matter is what I’m asking.)

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@PetSitterBug ,
Thanks, I’ve edited the header… i think I was working on a couple of questions at the same time and got confused :crazy_face:


@Manunited for clarification, I think your original question is referring to the section on the website, underneath current listings, where instead it shows listings, ‘Sits in [location] without current dates’, correct?

@Snowbird yes you are correct… made mess of this question!

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No problem. :grinning: I’m going to tag @Therese again, just to make sure she knows what question to answer. :wink:

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As @Snowbird mentions, it is not a exact science and based on random selection. There may be times your listing will appear under this section, however there is no guarantee.
I hope this helps a little.

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I’ve changed the header (again) to better reflect my question.

Thank you @Therese for your response.

As a HO I’m disappointed that my listing may not be reflected under the sits without current dates category.

Its a perfect opportunity for sitters who may be searching the area to favour the listing for the future.

With the current testing of 5 applications then pause (causing listings to completely disappear) the opportunity for sitters to favour lisitings is also greatly reduced.

Do sitters value the ability/opportunity to favour lisitngs?


thanks @Manunited I will certainly bring this to our product team’s attention.

I know I would like the opportunity to favorite a possible sit for the future. It would also be nice if sitters could apply for sits they would like the opportunity for whenever that HO needs to travel. A kind of waiting in the wings sort of thing.


Thanks for mentioning this @Manunited. It’s not something I had considered. As a sitter, I frequently favorite listings for the future. You’re correct in stating that this ability will be impacted by THS limiting the number of applications to five. There’s a good chance that sits will disappear because they have reached the threshold of five applicants before I can favorite them.

It might be a good idea to repost your question in the thread “Pausing Applications Test” so that it has more visibility. It’s another point that @Ben-ProductManager should consider.


I’m newish to THS, as a HO and now as a sitter. I was poking about on the website and searched for sits in my own town/area. I see the sits with current dates. Then there are homes without current dates listed below. Our home does not show up on that list. Is that because it’s me searching or is it really missing for some reason? Can anybody shed some light on this?

This post will answer your question. In particular, see the response from Therese, moderator.

Thank you, Snowbird! I had no idea that the homes without current dates are randomly generated. Disappointing as a homeowner and as other sitters mentioned in the other post, it reduces the favouriting and “waiting in the wings” for pets and homes of interest in a particular location.


Thanks, @Pawtastic this is something we are reviewing.



@Ben-ProductManager Yes, please do review. I posed this question to the support at THS this past spring and they didn’t seem to understand my query. It was a useless exchange, even though I attached screenshots detailing what I was asking about.

Thankfully, this thread was posted and it looks like it got your attention. ANY TIME our listing does not have current dates, whether or not we have confirmed sitters in our home, our listing should show under the heading “sits without current dates” or whatever language you want to use.

I searched for our listing using different computers and three different browsers and always got the same result: OUR LISTING IS INVISIBLE. We used to get emails saying that “x sitters saved our listing” and now we get ZERO.

Can you please fix this?

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I value it a lot. Randomly generating the listings without current dates that are displayed doesn’t make any sense to me. If I’m searching in a certain area, I want to be able to see all sits in that area, regardless of whether they have current dates or not. I daydream about future travel all the time and one of those sits may pop up with new dates at a time it works for me!

As a sitter, I really want the option to see and favourite listings in certain locations and I wish they were all available to see even if they don’t have current dates.

As a homeowner, I am in a smaller area that less people are probably looking for so I would like the opportunity for any sitters who may be searching the region to be able to see and favourite my home.


@Ben-ProductManager @Pawtastic My listing remains invisible, although ours is an area with only a handful of THS listings!