Travels with Sam 🌎

For folks who enjoy afternoon tea, in Seattle:


From previous trips to Seattle:


Two very different and amazing places to visit in Seattle are Chihuly Glass Gardens and an underground city tour.

We were blown away by the beautiful glass sculptures at Chihuly and amazed by the existence of the old Seattle city one floor below the existing city. Many original shops are still underground, abandoned when the city was raised due to sewerage flooding near the water.


Adorably sidekick and nice shots!!:musical_note::camera::camera_flash:


Hi @Maggie8K I couldn’t agree with you more that Vegas is a great place to eat! For breakfast we particularly enjoy watching the world go by whilst enjoying breakfast on the terrace at Mon Ami Gabi French Restaurant located in the Paris Hotel & Casino. We were lucky to discover that there is a Mott 32 located in The Venetian. If you recall we first found the original Mott 32 Restaurant, one of the most awarded Chinese restaurant Brands In The World underneath the Standard Chartered Bank in the Central District of Hong Kong, post No. 102.

I will have to do a whole new post based on Vegas at a later date! :slightly_smiling_face:

Of course, if anyone would like to contribute their thoughts and ideas for Las Vegas before then, please feel free to share. :blush:

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Lovely photos @Catgoddess_99 and thank you for sharing! :slightly_smiling_face:

I especially love the view from the plane :airplane::heart::blush:

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I’m not much of a planner when it comes to travel. I also tend to eat according to mood, so rarely do I go out of my way to go to specific restaurants (or to recommend them often). That’s why I haven’t been participating in this thread much and won’t be following regularly.


Hi @Maggie8K Love the photos of Downtown Seattle both by day and night and the Fremont Troll with your little sidekick! :dog::slightly_smiling_face:

Did you go to any of the leash free parks I mentioned previously or did you take your sidekick pup to the Barkery? :deciduous_tree::cupcake:

I was sitting a young pup who’d been with the family for only a short time, so I wouldn’t let her off leash — she was high energy, excitable and not trained. Very sweet, though.

She had severe separation anxiety, so her humans had a bunch of treats to help, including various types of rawhides. And I used frozen Kongs as well. She also took CBD and prescription calming meds.

I avoid giving a dog unfamiliar treats in such circumstances, though I did take her out along the waterfront, where she got her first pup cup of whipped cream. She was already consuming cream cheese with her meds, so I figured a bit of whipped cream would be fine.

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Hi @Maggie8K The Afternoon Tea looks delightful! :teapot::cake:

I know you are a huge fan of Afternoon Tea and you have travelled the work extensively.
Where have been your favourite spots worldwide so far to enjoy an Afternoon Tea? :coffee::earth_americas::slightly_smiling_face:

I’m similar, I’m a bit more spontaneous


Thanks :ok_hand: :blush: :people_hugging:

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If you can get a window table:

This is a restaurant, not great at afternoon tea, but I liked that you could order full on meals or various courses that incorporate tea:

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Beautiful photos @Crookie and thank you for sharing! :camera::heart::slightly_smiling_face:

I didn’t know about underground Seattle, how it came about, and that you can still go down there and see the original streets. This will have to be on our ‘to do’ list! :blush:

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If you like underground tours, there are ones in various spots. I did ones decades ago, so haven’t paid attention since, but saw ones advertised in passing in various cities.

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Oh, forgot to mention this tea room:

Amazing atmosphere at Christmas season, when I went.

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@Maggie8K Thank you for sharing these fabulous spots for Afternoon tea :teapot::cake::heart::slightly_smiling_face:

If you haven’t already been, then another great place for an Afternoon Tea in London is The Savoy where it will be served in the Thames Foyer. You can while away the hours enjoying sumptuous food with a vast array of choices of tea whilst being entertained by a live pianist. :musical_keyboard::notes:

A couple of photos I took on a previous trip to The Savoy.

If anyone else has any great recommendations for places to enjoy Afternoon Tea anywhere in the world please feel free to share them on here! :teapot::cake::clinking_glasses::earth_americas::blush:

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Thanks, Sam. I’ve been to the Savoy, Ritz and other luxurious places for tea. My disappointment with them tends to be, they could be anywhere in the world interchangeably. I prefer places with personality or such.

A fun one for kids is at One Aldwych: Charlie & The Chocolate Factory Afternoon Tea at One Aldwych.

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Hi @Maggie8K I might have to give this one a try myself, it looks delicious! Especially the “Scrumptious Sweets” & “All The Teas” … yum! :yum:

Thank you for another great recommendation. :blush:

Oh, I enjoyed tea here after a tiring and hot day of sightseeing. It was such a respite — quiet, uncrowded, beautiful — after the crush of people in the museum and elsewhere:

Ochre | Afternoon Tea.

They had a tea menu inspired by artists and served a cocktail in a teapot with dry ice.

That’s also what I look for in tea — creative menus vs. the old hat. The Oscar Wilde Lounge was great for that. They had sumptuous decor, live piano, too.

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