Unread applications and non responses

Exactly what we do.


Same as @Colin and @ElsieDownie for us. I’ve got an application that is a month old for a UK sit in Feb 2023. The HO was quick to reply acknowledging my application & said they would make a decision soon. If we find something more suitable before she makes her decision, we will withdraw our application then. She will be missing out on some great sitters. If she chooses us beforehand then great! If it’s a sit we would really like because the dates & place align perfectly with our travel plans, we send a follow up message to the HO after a few days asking ii they would like to set up a video call with us. If there is no reply to that then we move on & withdraw our application.


Love your attitude! I had applied for the sit a week ago and it was read quickly, but I never received a response despite my very kind, personalised message. I finally received an automated decline message and have been reeling over the lack of courtesy. I realise now I was possibly too attached to the outcome (that being kindness and decency, even if I was declined). Your message was refreshing to read.


Yes thats really annoying. Weve had it too.
Although im annoyed at the time I then think I probably wouldnt gel with the HO if theybdont have manners.
So actually its a lucky escape!


Exactly my thoughts. Interestingly, I got a sense from their posting that there was a coldness to it. You’re right, a lucky escape indeed! I guess you get rudeness in all walks of life.


Thank you, Shirley, for being the kind of owner who respects we applicants’ time. You are a role model for all those who don’t respond either in a timely manner, or at all. :blush:


As a Traveller and an experienced sitter it is frustrating to submit a request and seemingly have the application remain “unread” for days if not weeks. For us an owner that “read” the application at least tells us that we are in the running for the sit. Planning is important for owner and sitter, to avoid sit cancellation and missed opportunity. Does this situation cause you difficulty?

Hi @Black_Hat. We’ve had some applications seemingly ignored for weeks and, in one particular case, for months. That doesn’t bother us, as we continue looking and applying for sits until one is confirmed. Different homeowners have different approaches, which is fine by us.

We did once agree to a sit for which our application had sat unread for almost a month, and the homeowner was very apologetic that it had taken her so long to respond. She asked straight away if we were still available, as she knew we might not be. It turned out there was a medical emergency in her family shortly after she posted the listing, causing her to spend the next few weeks providing care for her ailing loved one.


I wanted to address a simular concern I have regarding some home/pet owners who do not respond or even appear to read applications. One in particular shows they have had 4-7 applicants for dates in May and 8-11 applicants for dates in July. If said HO has not responded or chosen an applicant by a certain date, while many HS have applied (and maybe waiting for a response or decline) It seems prudent and just considerate to make the effort to choose an applicant (if you are fortunate to have many to choose from) and remove the requested dates. Maybe the HO does not realize that some HS are waiting to get a response before moving on to another possible Housesitting opportunity. Maybe there should be a cut off date for Homeowners who have a certain # of applicants to sit. I have seen this problem with one sit that I have applied for…twice.


As a HO and a sitter, I would advise against waiting for a response before applying for other sits. I just apply for any that seem interesting, even if they are the same dates as other applications. Once one is confirmed, I withdraw others that overlap. I think that many sitters do this.

As for having a time limit on HOs making a decision -that doesn’t account for the fact that none of the 4-7 (for example) applicants might be ideal. I get applications that are not great, so I wait until someone suitable applies. Luckily, I’ve never had to wait more than a few days.

There is also the possibility that finding a sitter isn’t a priority, there could be an emergency, they may not have regular internet access, etc.

There are so many sits that there is no reason to pin your hopes on just one. Apply for everything you want and accept what suits you best.


I totally agree about not waiting for a response before applying for other sits. I have the same approach where I apply for any interesting sit that is not too long, family friendly etc and if accepted, I withdraw the other applications. I was accepted for two at once but chose the more accommodating and ideal one. The other sitter was happy with my response as she had a second person in mind and I responded that I would love to be considered for any future opportunities.


Just apply for as many as you want for the same dates and when you get a confirmed sit withdraw your applications for the other sits. It’s the HO problem if they take too long to make a decision.


My personal thing is that I hate applying for more than one sit at a time. I tend to gove a HO at least afew days to get back before considering other sits.
Just me and i think im probably overly conscientious but i get why others do.
Having said that i applied for one and the very next day another i liked possibly more came on. After an overnight think i applied for the 2nd sit and got it straight away. My 1st application is still unread, so just how it goes.

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That’s definitely the approach I take. I apply for house sits that meet my requirements (close to public transport despite having a car, family friendly and have wii fii for work purposes) and I chuck everything in the folder that I don’t go into once I have applied and don’t think about it anymore. I really focus on the communication with anything that pops into my inbox. I factor a few things: if someone replies, responds even with just a message acknowledging my application that is good enough for me to know that the HO has read my profile about my desire to have good communication and if I was to sit for them, we would probably work well with ensuring both parties have a successful collaboration. I have had HO’s read my application, even some who haven’t secured a sitter but never responded to me. I have been accepted for sits in like ten minutes after I have put an application in. I often wonder about those listings where the HO has listed they have a luxury home and desirable location and have well over 30+ applications. Makes me wonder what is going on with the 30 applicants, don’t they have good references? feedback? What really is going on there?
I have had wonderful HO’s communicate with me.


Once you have sit secured for specific dates, do you go back and rescind your applications where you haven’t heard anything back?


I sure do :slight_smile:

I applied for a house sit last week (for the last week of April). The owner said they would wait to the end of the week just been (so that was yesterday) but I never heard from them. I was accepted for another sit so I rescinded my other application.


As with most things in life, no two circumstances for interactions between HOs and sitters, are really ever the same. We tend to book our sits far in advance, and therefore the HO is searching 5-10 months out. We apply to what appeals to us and wait patiently for a response. We’ve confirmed some quickly, and waited a while to confirm others. Whether we receive an immediate response, or any at all, we aren’t concerned. When the timing is appropriate for both parties, we will connect with the HO and mutually confirm the sit. I don’t put a lot of time and energy into being concerned about how each HO approaches this process. Everyone has a different comfort level of interacting with strangers. It always works out exactly as it was meant to be for us.


Someone said that a message can be read but still read “unread” if it has been read on the app. Is this true?

That is so true!
However, I did manage to find a fabulous interstate housesit that was on the weekend I wanted to travel with my family to attend a footy match and be with our good friends also travelling from our home city. The HO was actually travelling to my home city!
I would love to plan sits in advance but things change especially when I will be returning back to work so I just go with school holidays and short term weekends for the time being.

I am the same with not putting a lot of time and energy into being concerned about how each HO handles my application. Like you, I am polite and respond as quick as possible.

Yes definitely, every time. I don’t leave any outstanding applications once I’ve got a confirmed sit on dates that cover other sits I’ve also applied for. I send each HO a message withdrawing my application advising them that I have now been booked and am no longer available. In my original application I ask the HO to reply to my application as soon as possible stating I have applied for other sits that may impact my availability for their sit if another HO books me. I believe in full disclosure so the ball is firmly in the HO’s court. If they are too slow in reading applications and responding then it’s their issue.