Video chat. What's your experience?

There are several threads about video chats, some from the sitters’ perspective, some from the owners’ but my questions are for both owners and sitters.

As a sitter, I usually let the owners suggest the time for the video call and let them lead the chat. In the first few calls, owners asked most of the questions but lately I ask more questions than the owners and more than I used to. I am now more aware of all the information I need and also more prepared to withdraw my application if I see red flags. The thing is, at the beginning, after a video call, I always got the sit but my application is more often declined now that I ask more questions. Those two facts might be unrelated but I do get the feeling that some owners prefer sitters who “need” the sit or are really enthusiastic about getting it and more or less play the role of a job applicant talking to a prospective employer. If that is the case, I’m glad I am not being offered those sits.

Also, when I don’t get a sit, even if it is after a video chat, I always think the owners have found a better match, a previous sitter, a better arrangement… and forget about it. I usually keep searching for sits in the area around those dates and I see the listing disappear quickly but my last experience has been totally different.

I applied for the sit and got a reply very quickly offering a video call for a few days later. They had read my profile, were confident that I was an experienced sitter and hardly asked any questions, nothing related to the way I handle the sits, the care of the pets or the house. It was just me making sure I would get the WG with relevant information that I pointed out (vet, emergency contacts, water and electricity mains, one concern about the pets’ security…). They said all that was in the WG and I was not worried that the sit would involve any extra duties or surprises. The chat didn’t take long, they said they had two more chats and would let me know in two or three days. I then knew I would not be offered the sit. They declined my application sooner than announced with a message saying “maybe another time”. When my alert informed me of new sits in the area, I see that the sit is relisted and appears a “new”. So I know there won’t be “another time”. They have been excellent with communication and I am in no way questioning their right to choose and to set the criteria they esteem suitable. This has to be a mutual match and it obviously wasn’t the case.
Still, as my profile had been read and no questions were asked, I kept wondering if I said something wrong and I asked, just for feedback. The minute I pressed the “send” button I regretted it but I was somewhat relieved when they replied. I did nothing wrong, it was just that they didn’t really “connect”. I have moved on that application but still would like to know what owners and sitters in the forum think about these questions:

    • What do you feel is the proportion of questions asked (owners/sitters)?
    • Who does usually take the leading part in the chat, the owners or the sitters?
    • When the other party doesn’t go ahead, do you know what didn’t work?
    • When it is you who decline, do you tell the other party why?

This has been my experience which differs slightly from yours. Now that I’m far more experienced, I ask a lot more questions these days to satisfy myself that this will be a mutually good fit before going ahead.

I typically let the HO introduce and talk through things and then at some point, they ask me if I’d like to ask any questions. I’ve found that the HOs generally see the validity of all the questions I ask. They definitely don’t seem to have a problem being asked. Like you, I’m paying attention for any red flags and am quite willing to get the reverse lights on and withdraw if necessary!

I go into every video chat with the attitude of no ‘need’ as I genuinely actually don’t need it. Life has taught me that if something doesn’t materialise, another opportunity will always come along. Often times, it’s even better. I generally tend not to ever get overly invested in getting a specific sit. I have actually found this way of being works so well as I’ve been selected for every sit I’ve applied to in the last couple of years and even have HOs contacting me to do the most amazing sits. I’d say the last couple of years have been the absolute best for me in all the 6 years I’ve been doing this. I’m currently on an amazing sit right now and the HO actually told me she was genuinely reassured by how many questions I asked as it showed her just how experienced I was. She said it gave her the sense that I was “a very safe pair of hands”.


Thanks for sharing your experience.

That is my experience with owners who offer me the sit during the video call and they often mention that in the review.
I also

And I really don’t mind, I take it as an opportunity to find another great sit or do something else.
It’s just that I am an overthinker and like to analyse the situations and try to learn from my own experience and from others. That’s why I asked. Your answer is reassuring. Thanks

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Glad it helped. I used to be a hardcore over-thinker so I totally get it but it sent me seriously circling the drain to over-analyze everything!

It’s taken me a good few years to get the right questions together and the right ‘formula’ for me and even then, I’m still learning and encountering new situations. Anyway, you’ve started a good topic for discussion and no doubt others will chime in with their experiences. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

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I’m pretty new still to being a sitter on THS (about 10 sits in) so not super experienced on THS etiquette so to speak.
After a couple of sits and also reading this forum, I’ve created a list of questions that I ask (not super long but things that I think give a good sense if this will be a good sit for me). I’ve had some HOs want super quick calls and I worry keeping them on a little longer will hurt my chances of getting the sit, but so far that hasn’t been the case. And I’ve also had newer HOs who said they loved my questions because they hadn’t thought of that and will now include that in their future conversations. We’ve had one decline after a video chat but it was an awkward conversation and we also felt it wasn’t a good fit, so it worked out.

To answer your questions, we as the sitters always ask more questions than the HOs.

We have the HOs take the lead and answer their questions. And then we’ll ask ours when they are done, but we also try to weave our questions into the conversation.

The one decline did not tell us why after the video chat only that they chose someone else, but they did send us a note. We’ve had other declines but it was because they chose another sitter and we never heard a response to our application (other than the decline notification). We’re in a pretty competitive area so if I don’t hear back on an application and receive a decline, I’m assuming it’s because the HOs found someone who fit their needs better. Also, we sit as a couple and it seems solo sitters might be more attractive more often than couples, but I could be wrong though.

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Thanks for your reply.

This has also happened to me and they have added the info in the WG.


Sometimes, before the chat, send the “other side” a list of questions/concerns/thoughts that need to be discussed.
With a note, anything that is a “gray area” can be dealt with quickly.
I think Video Chats are critical to both sides getting a “feel” about the other and that’s hugely important

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Thanks a lot for answering my questions.
Are you a sitter?

Hi @Newpetlover , I’m a HO. We’ve had two set of sitters with a third sit starting in October. We’ve had 5 video chats.

1 In ideal situation it usually goes about 50/50. Though most of the video chat for us is really just chatting, getting to know eachothers a bit, and questions flow naturally throughout the chat.

Our listing contains most of the information sitters need, and we also typically pick up sitters with good informative profiles, so there’s usually no need for long list of questions. We use the chat to give more info about our home and Thailand and make sure they’ll know what to expect if they choose to do the sit.

We did have one chat where the sitters had a long list of questions, most of which we already answered on our listing. That felt really weird.

2 In our case, we usually take the leading part, as we’re usually the ones suggesting a video chat. But it just means we are the ones to open the chat by introducing our selves and the dog and invite the sitter to ask any questions they may have. But like I said, the chats really tend to be very informal.

3 & 4 Two of the chats we’d had didn’t lead to a sit. The first tkme we just weren’t a good match. The sitter had never been in Asia and we didn’t feel they’d really enjoy their time in Thailand. Our home is a comfortable one, but it’s not a best first experience for someone who has no experience of what it means to live in Thailand. A sit in a condo would work better. They obviously felt the same, as they declined the sit first. They did say they just confirmed another THS sit, but they didn’t.

The other one was us declining. That sitter was quite good. They had nearly 100 positive reviews, and seemed very responsible. The chat went well. We didn’t have a strong connection wih them, but I think they would had been a good sitter for us. After the chat they promised to confirm the sit the next day, but they didn’t. So, we declined (we had other good applications), explaining why.

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I’m new to THS and I’ve prepared a set of questions but I was wondering if you can share your questions you ask from HOs during the video chats because I’m trying to be more prepared for the sits. Thank you :pray:

I’m new to THS and I’ve prepared a set of questions but I was wondering if you can share your questions you ask from HOs during the video chats because I’m trying to be more prepared for the sits. Thank you :pray:

Hi @nila - unfortunately one size doesn’t fit all. The questions you ask will depend on what is important to your personal situation.
What is a deal breaker for me may not be for you.

Take time to read the listing you are interested in and make a list of questions to cover areas which are not clear.

You will find lots of great advice if you use the spyglass at the top of the screen. This topic has been discussed at great length.


We would never take a sit without a video call, looking into the whites of someone’s eyes :eyes: & all that. We’ve declined two sits after a call, one as she was totally disinterested in us or why we wanted to sit and the place looked a mess; the other because the HO was overly officious & demanding in her “interview” so sounded like she would be hard work. #loveavideochat


To be honest, we don’t really put much thought into the video chats. So far, we’ve actually accepted all the sits where we had a video call. We’ve never felt like we were in a job interview either. Rather, we see it as a conversation on equal terms. We want something, the homeowners want something. And if it works, then it works.

To be honest, it’s always just naturally happened for us, with no one explicitly taking the lead in the conversation.


Did you decline actually on the calls or message them afterwards?
I can imagine doing it on a call could be awkward.

Afterwards & yes, agreed @CRU . Our standard response is “thanks for the call but we have been offered another sit so are no longer available”. #offthehook


My video calls have all felt like chats rather than Q&A. They have all been really relaxed get to know you chats which includes the pets, home, visitor’s, local area.


It all comes down to our own non-negotiables and dealbreakers. That’s what I’ve based all of my questions on.

For example, I never go ahead without checking that there will be no third parties entering. I’ve been caught out a few times in the early days when family members have just let themselves into the house giving me the absolute fright of my life!

I also always check with the HO about internal cameras and monitoring devices as not only is it against the THS policy, it’s an absolute no no for me.

I also ask about any work going on in the area as once on a sit the pipes were being dug up and replaced in the local area and I had to put up with the most jarring, drilling sound for a certain portion of the day. I only found out about this upon arrival as I didn’t ask. This wouldn’t be an issue for some as they’d be out sightseeing but was for me as I work from home.

Best to base your questions on your own personal needs, preferences, dealbreakers and non-negotiables which will be unique to each individual.


Thanks for your really detailed and informative post. It is quite reassuring; your experience with successful video chats is similar to mine

I am also glad to read that when you decline a sitter after a video call, you explain why. I think that, after having had a personal interaction (video chat or even exchange of messages after application), most of us expect some kind of explanation unless it’s clear during the chat. IMO it’s better to be honest, just saying “we’re not a good match” would be enough and would prevent future applications, saving everybody’s time.

Thanks again. I loved your post and would love to sit for you. You sound very reasonable and clear listings are key to make good choices.


A recent video call we had was off the back of a horrendous experience for the HO’s where their dogs and house had been abandoned by their sitter when they were on the other side of the world so it’s fair to say their walls were up a bit. The sitter was kicked off THS. It felt like it went on for 2 hours :flushed:

The rest have been very straightforward chats where both parties decided to go through with the sit straight away. My husband usually likes to lead with introductions, which the homeowners then do and naturally we move on to specific questions we both have. Communication is usually about 50/50.

For two sits we actually met in person as we were in the area at the time. It’s not always possible of course but definitely prefer this as it reassures the HO’s and we get to see the home and meet the animals, already building a good rapport.