Video chat. What's your experience?

I have just been offered one too, right after applying but instead of accepting straight away I have shown my availability for a video chat to see if we are a good fit. The owners have my number and are supposed to get in touch today. If I don’t hear from them, I won’t accept. The sit looks great but I need to know that communication is fluid throughout the process.


I accepted. Two weeks in FL in winter, especially with a pool, I am good with conditions. My big concern is alligators, but the yard has a high fence, so I am good.

Well, I hope the sit works out for you @Huronbase but I still would have opted for the videochat. I have noticed that you tend to prioritize timing and location over vetting and have had some tough experiences as a result. Always your choice though.


Thanks for sharing your experience. It’s really reassuring to see your approach.

It sounds great. I have never received the WG right after the video chat, most times it comes later than promised and often only after a reminder. I usually allow quite a bit of time for them to update. I ask at least for the address so that I can plan the best way to get there and possibly nearby accommodation for the previous night of the one after the sit if the owners are coming back late.
Sending the WG before the sitters accept is a great idea for both parties and should be encouraged by THS. We all want a good match. Why would an owner be interesting in letting their home and pets in the care of someone feeling deceived?


We don’t adopt any prescribed format for video chats, other than thoroughly re-reading the listing so that we can query anything which isn’t evident, so each call is individually determined.

We always say we don’t expect - or want - to receive a sit offer during a video chat, as we don’t want anyone to feel put on the spot (including ourselves!). We prefer for pet parents to have a chat following our call and then let us know if they’d like to proceed, and we do likewise.


Thanks for sharing your experience.

I do the same. The more information there’s in the listing, the fewer questions to ask and more likely the chat is just a friendly, spontaneous chat.

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I hate doing video calls love it when the hosts don’t need it. Love chatting on phone though I can get vibes from that and always worked out for me.


A phone call is OK too. You can have the same conversation and some people do not feel comfortable on the screen.

Perhaps it would be a better idea for me to offer both options.

Thanks for mentioning this. It will help in future applications.


I feel encouraging users of this site to engage in video conversations is important. Communication is key. It’s so important to see and feel a person and their space before committing to them and likewise having a complete stranger living in your home. Clear communication opens up new relationships and creates bonds of trust and care. The blind handovers are open to failure (even if some say it works great) and rather than encouraging poor etiquette and communication skills, I feel its important to encourage people to utilise video calls.


I think it conveys a mixed message when pet parents want to confirm the sit without first engaging in a video call; on the one hand, it’s flattering that they clearly feel we fit the bill (often citing our reviews as all the evidence they need) but on the other, I have to wonder if it’s potentially because they simply want to lock-in a sitter without too much effort, so we’ll do. The latter may indicate a lack of real interest or commitment?


reading some reports here, I think my choices haven’t been that bad. One, to get reviews, my first one I never would have done otherwise. Though nice house, just Michigan in Jan. And my second, was in FL, where I wanted to be, but I only had one review, was in an RV with 2 sweet puppies. Not my first choice, but I was in the pool everyday. A recent one was where I had to be, when I had to be. And it was not my favorite. The dogs were tough. That is the worst one, but the house was spacious. Close to a friend. So compared to some I have read about here, not as tough. The dogs were very tough to walk and the puppy chewed everything. But the owner loved me. And gave me a rave review.

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I’ve done three sits without a video chat — two of them soon after joining THS. Those two ended up as sits I’d rank the lowest, though I haven’t had any terrible sits. In retrospect, those hosts just had low standards. Like one of them said I’d left their home immaculate, even though there’s no chance I could’ve, given how they lived.

In the remaining case, those hosts and I never caught up to video chat, because they were traveling and were tied up during our limited time zone overlaps. In that case, we traded informative msgs. That turned out to be one of my best sits ever and I ended up repeating it this year, even though I rarely want repeats, since there are so many experiences to be had.

Although I agree a video chat gives more information than a phone call, I can see @Genevere’s point and I will add that suggestion now in my application, in case they don’t like video calls.

Yesterday, I had my first phone conversation and it went very well. Actually it was me who suggested that because it wasn’t easy to get a time which was suitable for both parties. This way, we were able to talk while I was driving. I then was able to confirm the sit when I arrived at my destination.