What’s going on with the lack of applicants?

Thanks for the suggestion but I can see that being a pita… we are often booked months in advance… so the HO would have to post every possible variation in order for that to work. THS needs to change this “feature” so that sitters can apply for sits that overlap.

We ended up booking through an online booking service, similar to THS on how it works but HOs invite sitters to their sit. The booking process was quick. One uses local sitters, so there’s no issue with last minute high travel costs. Sitters set their own costs, which range from about $20/night to $75 night in our metro area. We booked someone for $40/night. The sitters charge different rates for sitting, boarding, dropins and walking.


I’m glad you were able to find a solution that worked for you. Keep in mind for future sits that pet sitters are not suppose to charge you for sitting if using the THS platform, it is against the rules.

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I can’t think of any reason why I would spend hundreds of dollars (or more) to travel somewhere just to take care of a stranger’s pet. Sitters can certainly travel and provide high quality pet care too. I would never take a sit that didn’t allow me any time to explore the local area. So far, I’ve done sits in 7 countries and have left happy pets and HOs. I have 38 5-star reviews, so I think it works out really well.


Neither would I. That wasn´t the point


I was interested to read your reference to Mind My House - although their membership fee is less than THS, when I explored sitters (I am an HO) the first 5 that looked really appealing also noted that they wanted to be paid their travel costs and cost to live in my house while they were here. And these 5 were all supposedly full time remote workers, assumedly making income.

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When I see posts that complain that sitters are looking for holiday destinations, it sounds like they are implying sitters should not be. That’s the entire exchange, I provide pet care in exchange for accommodations in a destination I would like to visit. Sorry, if I missed your point.


It is NOT against Mind My House T&Cs for Sitters to upfront insist on travel costs, reimbursement and payment. Although I never sought this - I have absolutely no negative thoughts/judgement/criticism at all towards anyone who did want to be paid for the work they are being asked to do. There is no moral superiority in doing this kind of thing for “free”. It is always good for people to know their worth.

I tended to only apply for sits in areas I was particularly keen to visit, so I considered that was enough of a win-win for me, the pets and the hosts. (Membership is under 30 dollars annually for HOs and sitters alike on that site.)

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Dont be discouraged. We have been sitting for several years now. What we look for is clean homes and owners who are honest about their pets behaviour, with responsibilities that allow us time to explore the area. A car is also a huge plus and will help attract sitters. Since covid I see so many anilals that cant be left alone for more than 2 or 3 hours and that often doesnt work for sitters.


We are members of Mindmyhouse as well as THS. As almost full time sitters we book most of our sits on THS, but keep the other membership because we only need to find one nice sit to make it worth the membership fee of $29 a year. It often helps to fill a gap between sits, and bty, we never ask for or accept money.


I doubt that it doesn’t work for sitters to leave pets alone for more than 3 hours. After all, it’s a sitting job. In my opinion, 3 hours is a reasonable amount of time for dog owners. That’s plenty of time. Otherwise, you might be better off booking a holiday?

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Three hours does not feel like an equitable exchange. I would be very unlikely to apply.


@anon22438636 I don’t consider 3 hours to be an equitable exchange. I would never take a sit that only allowed me to leave for 3 hours. And I say that as someone who works online and has many days that I don’t leave the house at all on sits. Even if I’m not planning to be gone for more than 3 hours, that type of requirement tells me that the HO and I aren’t on the same page regarding the mutual exchange aspect of THS.


@systaran @pietkuip Yes, unpaid, but you live there without rent and without having to pay for utilities…
And I understand most dog owners in the way that means “Don’t leave the dogs 3 hours alone at home”. You can always take them with you?

We have limited ourselves to sitting dogs only in detached houses, with beautiful gardens and plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities. And that’s with the dogs. We are not city people and therefore would not apply for such sits. Additionally, there are two of us, so if one of us wants to see a concert or a play in the evening or needs to be away for a longer time, there is always someone at home.

I think this way everyone can find the optimal format for themselves here on THS. :slight_smile: Have fun!

I would still be paying for my own place!

And no, it is not always possible to take the dogs along. Not when shopping, not when visiting museums, cathedrals, etc. And problematic in public transport.

I am travelling on my own. But if I were in a couple, I would want to do even shopping together when travelling. No way that I would go out on my own because of some dog with anxieties.

So most owners with such requirements would need to throw in lots of perks to get good applicants. Certainly a car. Delivered meals, maybe. Allowing visitors. Etc.


That is the exchange. Sitters provide pet and home care in exchange for accommodations. Sitters are not getting something for free and HOs are not doing sitters a favor. Everyone can decide for themselves what they consider to be an equitable exchange. I don’t consider only being able to leave the house for 3 hours to be equitable, so I would not take a sit that put that type of restriction on my time. I haven’t had any trouble getting sits that I consider to be a mutual and respectful exchange.


Or the hosts might be better off booking a paid sitter.

Personally, I have a dog and think three hours is an overly needy dog, unless maybe it has medical issues or is a puppy. And in such cases, hosts should be transparent, because some sitters would avoid such sits.

My husband and I fortunately work remotely, but most folks don’t and plenty of them leave their dogs for more than three hours a day.

Many people seem to forget: Dogs were socialized to be companions to humans and not the other way around.

Fortunately, there are hosts with realistic expectations. Like my current ones left me their car and loads of info about stuff to see and do, including nearby road trips. They noted that their dog sleeps a lot, which many do.


We don’t either. :slight_smile: See, all good.

We don’t see ourselves as staff; instead, we give something and receive something in return. This often leads to friendships for us, and we frequently get invited by our former pet parents to stay with them or at their AirBnbs while they are there, and we do a lot together. For this reason alone, TrustedHousesitters has already been worthwhile for us.


We have use THS for a number of years without any problems with finding sitters. So far this year we have not received 1 single applicant, we have sent invites to at least 25 sitters who match our pets and dates. YET, all decline or do not respond. We are looking at having to cancel our 2 week holiday and loose our deposit. THS claim we can cancel our membership and get a refund, BUT that does not solve our issue with going away!!

How do you identify these sitters who match your dates? Nobody keeps their sitter calendar updated…. it only shows THS confirmed sits not a sitters’ other life commitments. Perhaps you could add your listing into your profile (search in the Forum on how to do this) and lots of experienced sitters here will then provide helpful tips on improving your listing to attract great sitters.