What’s going on with the lack of applicants?

Good advice from @BonnyinBrighton to add your listing here @Christne - the THS calendar doesn’t take into account a non THS life so is pretty much useless! A great listing is the way to find a fab sitter :raised_hands:t3: #letseeethelisting


Exactly the same as us, we treat it as petsitting and the animals are our prime focus

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Something has changed that is negatively affecting sitter applications. I usually have applications within hours of posting. Now it has been weeks and my departure date is quickly approaching. This feels like a technology problem. I notice multiple sits in my highly desirable resort community are languishing with no sit applications. This is a real problem.

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Remove your dates for a very brief time (5 minutes) then re-post them and your listing should become New @DNelson. Hopefully this will attract some applicants for you.


Thank you. I did that a week ago and one of your colleagues did it earlier today.

Welcome @DNelson to the forum - without seeing your listing it’s difficult to throw any light on why you are not getting applications.
Are your dates definitely Public listed not Private ones ?
Is you Amenities section complete ( older listings often haven’t been updated since more options were added to this section )
Photos - do you have photos of all the rooms that a sitter will be using ( bedroom, kitchen, bathroom ) etc ? (this didn’t used to be required but it is now )
Do you have good reviews from all your previous sitters ?

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We joined THS specifically to offset accommodation costs so we can travel the world in our retirement. We don’t spend thousands of dollars to travel from Australia to specifically look after someone’s pet. Why would we? We are very selective about the sits we apply for and only go to locations now that we are interested in visiting. We make no apologies for any of that.

The owners get great sitters if they choose us. Win/win.

THS has really enriched the quality of our travel as we now embrace the benefits of slow travel. By emersing ourselves in the areas we sit, we have had so many wonderful and amazing travel experiences that we would never got if we were just on holiday.


Hello, I acknowledge I don’t have a TV but this has not been a barrier to attracting sitters in the past or mentioned in their post sit reviews. I would be grateful for your suggestions on how to attract a sitter this time. I truly believe it is a technology issue or as an earlier respondent mentioned, a change in the rules or procedures. I have never not had immediate applications. Thank you for your consideration.

Edited to remove listing link as per Community Guidelines - Community Rules.

Fortunately, Trusted Housesitters is a great resource to connect pet sitters and pet owners. I personally have had multiple successful engagements. Your approach is different. This conversation is specific to a recent change noticed in the immediacy of applications when dates are posted. Perhaps there is a more relevant thread for your story.

No TV would mean no Netflix no Amazon Prime…. a deal breaker for many perhaps?
I’m currently glued to the Football Euros plus the Tour de France and last weekend Glastonbury of course fantastic on a large TV screen with sound bar…. not the same viewed on a small screen.

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At least you don’t have to worry about a sunburn. :blush: My place suits someone who recreates outside - hike, golf, fish, mountain bike, lake swimming, etc.

Yes we do these things but not in the evenings….

@DNelson Aside from a generic answer which is that currently it appears that there are more sits listed than sitters available across the platform .

It’s difficult to give any more meaningful answers to why sitters aren’t applying to your specific listing without being able to see it .

If you would like specific comments on your listing you can link it to your forum profile -

I think my listing is linked to my profile now. Thanks.

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Overall looks great! I like smaller homes as long as they are tidy like yours! I would clarify that your tenant’s suite is completely separate and there are no shared spaces. This is not currently clear. The reviews are helpfully positive.

I understand that you are concerned that there is some sort of glitch with Sitters’ ability to find, view, or apply to your listing. Have you tried searching for it and applying to it yourself?

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I also think there has been a recent glitch as I posted a sit two weeks ago and had no applicants for about a week. Very unusual. Then I got one, whose profile suddenly went inactive. Then nothing until Wednesday, which I think is when the newsletter goes out? And suddenly two great applicants within an hour. I confirmed one of them a few hours later so I don’t know if I might have received more, but the timing seemed weird to me. I might suggest removing your dates, waiting, then doing them again in case your ad has become buried or glitchy in some way. Good luck!


We don’t have a TV either, and it has not been a problem at all.


I’ve sat a couple of homes without TVs and don’t care at all.

I’m currently sitting a home with a 55-inch TV that I’m never going to turn on.

I happily watch Netflix, Prime or such on my iPad, because I can carry it from room to room; indoors or out; and when I travel, my accounts go with me.

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@DNelson I was replying to @Radarlnc’s comment about sitters travelling for holiday destinations.

I’ve now managed to find the sit as I couldn’t get the link to work. You’ve got a tenant on the ground floor- I’m not sure this is allowed? The cat (although sounding lovely in character) but sleeps in the bed with the sitter….hmmm. Some might not find this conducive to comfort. Also there are bears- wow now that would interest me! I’m fastidious about home care so I’d be ideal in that way, but I’m afraid for me anyway: no TV, a cat in the bed, and a tenant would steer me away from applying. It will certainly suit somebody….best wishes.