Where can I show my availability as a sitter?

Where can I, as a sitter, show my availability for a last minute sit? Ive got an extra free day.

Apart from changing your calendar there’s no feature for doing this unlike HO who have a section of the forum to post their last minute sits .

There’s no way to show, but where are proactive steps you can take.

  • search for that date range in the place you want to go.
  • have your desired searches saved
  • favourite listings that you want so that HOs know you’re interested.
  • you can also write out explicitly in your profile that you’re open to last minute sits with x range or your location (which you can update based on where you actually are)

@bakindoki hi. Yes i do all that of course. I just had a couple of spare days over xmas.

It was suggested previously that it would be good if sitters had a section where they could post this ( especially if their last minute availability was due to a Homeowner cancelling the sit ) as this would be similar to the section for Homeowners where they can post last minute sits .