Why can HO's post here but not sitters?

I do not understand why it is acceptable for HO’s to come on the forum looking for sitters for specific dates (aside from their own listing on the platform) while it is unacceptable for sitters to post availability and interest on the forum to sit in certain areas during certain dates.
This feels like very one-sided preferential treatment to me.


But we as sitters can use the search tools very easily….using filters for location and pets and dates.

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You are probably referring to the “last minute sits”. Those are sits that sometimes had a sitter that cancelled. I do not think HOs can post sits in the forum at their leisure.

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There are also sitters that get cancelled on or that get their stay cut short.


@carpediem16 It’s one of the many differences that favor HO’s. Think there are rules when HO’s can post in the forum, such as when someone cancels or they aren’t getting the five applicants. But Sitters/Guests should certainly be allowed when they have a HO cancel.

If you have premium membership and a sit cancels within the 14 days, THS reps will tell you to keep searching for a replacement, but won’t be clear how long you have to do this. So why not just be allowed to post instead.


Last minute sitter availability would be a great feature on both sides of the exchange. Only challenge is there would probably be a lot of us! #liketheideatho


TrustedHousesitters’ Mathew Prior on growing a category-creating pet sitting marketplace
We also focused heavily on marketplace dynamics, understanding which side we wanted to recruit to grow the marketplace. We decided to focus on owners because we felt that was where liquidity started.

THS has openly stated that their focus is on the owners, so hopefully that answers your question why rules are different for owners and sitters. Unfortunately as sitters we can’t share our availability even if our sit is canceled last minute. On the other hand almost everyday we are seeing more and more owners coming to get “feedback” on their listing, even if it’s 2-3 months in the future and finding sitters that way.


And #Iloveyourhashtags :smile:

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Hello @carpediem16 This is a great question and has been raised previously on the forum.

The forum remains a place for both sitters and owners, but we have some restrictions and I am happy to share why below :slight_smile:

The forum terms state that neither sitters nor owners can post sits or sit requests on the forum as the best place to find a sitter or sit is always via the main THS platform.

The exception to this is the last-minute-sit category for owners needing a sitter within 7 days. There is no sitters last-minute sit category as the forum mimics the function and processes of the main THS platform and on the THS platform, sitters have no option to advertise a sit. How it works is that sitters apply to available housesits.

We can not add functionality to the forum that is not part of THS or how THS works.

However, if one day THS added a function for sitters to be able to post sit dates/locations of where they would like to sit to the main platform then we will gladly add a last-minute sitter category to the forum as well.

It’s also worth knowing that the forum only has a small percentage of the whole THS network so it is unlikely that there would be a match between members when posting your sit requirements, especially with just 7 days to go!

It is much better to set up saved searches (especially on the app) so you are alerted to sits that become available for your desired location and dates.

I hope this explains things a bit more for you.

Maybe add a suggestion to this thread about adding a feature to the platform that allows sitters to advertise for sits.

Thank you!

@BunnyCat Sitters are welcome to ask at any time for feedback on their sitters profile :slight_smile:

Would be okay to ask: I can’t find any South Asian sits for Christmas. I need help with my profile.

Hello, @BunnyCat If you need help improving or optimising your THS sitters profile, feel free to start a new topic asking for help and advice.

You just can’t ask for sits in a specific location for specific dates as that’s not how the THS platform is designed to work and is outside of the forum T&C’s.

Setting up a saved search for sits in South Asia over Christmas would be the best thing to do. Good luck with your search :slight_smile:

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Right, but if I am a home owner in Malaysia and I don’t have any applicants I can add my listing to my profile, ask for suggestions and consequently obtain some new applicants because of my listing’s forum exposure. You don’t see this as a double standard?

Hello @BunnyCat I do see how it could feel that way. If an owner asks outright in a post for a sitter (outside of the last-minute 7 days category) then we remove that from the forum.

If someone asks for feedback to improve their listing as they are struggling to find a sitter and a sitter on the forum happens to see their link in their forum profile and apply via the platform, then that is following how the THS system is designed to work.

There is no functionality on the platform for sitters to post dates and a specific location to find a sit. Hopefully, that will be available one day. I have no influence over the concept of THS and how the platform is designed to work, but should it change at any point I promise that I will make sure that the forum gets a sitter last minute sit category :slight_smile:

Yes, I understand where you are coming from. However HOs asking for a feedback on a specific listing with specific dates without applicants is a well known workaround to bypass the forum rules, get some exposure and possibly new applicants. We have been seen a lot of that lately.
Allowing sitters to add their last minute availability especially if they were unconfirmed is the compassionate thing to do. Something that will be a win-win for both sitters and owners.