Who's on a house sit now? How's it going?

How long is your sit and where?

I find a dog or two so motivating for a good walk a couple times a day. Because we have a very senior pooch who doesn’t walk anywhere anymore at a clip, I look forward to my doggie sits with a younger generation.


Today is my last day in Australia with these little guys - Cheeto (orange) and Binx (black). Cheeto is a world class snuggler and Binx is a wanderer that likes to roam around the neighborhood. They are really good company and I will miss them dearly. Tomorrow I take the long journey back home to the States to visit family and have a much needed break from traveling.


Last night with this majestic, almost 1-meter-long (plus tail) Maine Coon lady.


Lovely area! Enjoy!

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On a getaway sit in a small village outside Northampton MA, USA. Spouse is joining me tomorrow, but had a non-remote work commitment he couldn’t shake. I’m loving the company of the cats, and while the area is closer to surbaban than rural, it feels a little isoloted to be staying here alone. Too quiet for me! Have already seen bunnies, and deer but didn’t manage a photo.

I arrived the night before my hosts left. I’d been to the town before and we were talking about a nearby nature reserve, which is actually beyond the backyard. The hosts told me they’ve seen bears in the yard and left me a bear whistle. I may wait till my husband arrives to check out the trails! Will post a photo if I see a bear and live to tell the tale!


I just returned home to the San francisco bay area after 5 months abroad, 4 of which were in the UK. Unbelievable how fast it flew. I’m currently on a private sit for a friend in their lovely home in the hills of Sausalito with Princess Jazzie. It’s a weekend gig, then on Monday I’ll be heading down the coast to Monterey for a repeat sit (THS) 3rd time with two purry friends. Anyway, strange, but also good to be back. Jazzie sends her Pawsitive meows to all of you.


I’m not being that lucky. It’s cold in the UK and the HO don’t use heat. It’s 10.30am and I am in bed under the covers to keep warm.

I have had 2 HO expected me to walk their dog on long walks. One said her home was public transportation accessible. I don’t consider a mile walk on a steep climb on a narrow road accessible. Top that off, she expected me to take her dog everywhere I went. In the 2 weeks I was there, I was only able to leave the property 4 times. Two were just to get groceries.

Then she had the nerve to give me a bad rating. She I said lied to get free accommodations. If she had told the truth, I would not applied.


@pashirley sorry to hear that you are not enjoying your UK sit . We are also on a U.K. sit the weather is unseasonably cold for this time of year but we are in South East so not feeling the need for heating .

How did you review the sit where you had to take the dog with you everywhere ? Was this mentioned in the listing ? The long walks were these mentioned in the listing ?

Before accepting a sit we chat to the hosts and ask them how long their pets can be left alone for and how long often the dogs need to be walked , for how long and where ? If the expectations of the hosts are excessive for us we withdraw our application before a sit is confirmed .

If we arrived to find that the hosts had mislead us we would not start the sit .


I’m on my dream sit in a remote part of Scotland with a lovely dog, fantastic scenery and the most brilliant yoga place just up the road! westcoastwellnessuk.com I’ve sat here before, and I hope I always continue to do so. The HO are lovely, chilled and really accommodating, and they give me the heads up direct when they have dates. It’s also only a 2 hour drive from my house but feels much further.
When anyone is considering joining THS I say do it. It only takes finding one perfect sit for it to be worth every penny! I’ve got another week of this…and I feel very lucky.


I did this in the 90s, plus our dog had a ball running along the towpath! I had to hold him tight when we went across the Llangollen aqueduct.


Im here for the geocache chat! Did you find it? I live in Scotland but not been out to get that one yet. :heart_eyes:

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@PetsSit We did find it! That was the easy part. Getting to Scotland’s First (geocache) was the hard part! The stepped path up Ben More mountain was OK, if taken steadily. Then we had to leave the path and contour round the slope, then follow a little valley upwards and cross a stream. Then it was just up and up, getting steeper and steeper on spongy ground with lots of little underground springs and holes to avoid. Really slow progress.

At least this was a better route than the one taken by 2 Dutch geocachers we met near the geocache. They came down a rough steep slope, mostly on their bottoms. They took our route back down!

Coming back down involved a lot of unintentional sliding onto our bottoms on the steep wet spongy part, and “jelly legs” all the way down the steps!

My younger son wants to return to climb to the summit of Ben More. I think that would actually be an easier walk!

Maybe I need to start a geocaching while housesitting topic!


Just sleeping out the rain this afternoon in North Yorkshire - hopefully sometime soon we’ll get a repeat of the sunshine of yesterday’s pre-sit visit.


We don’t mind a few drops of rain!


I’m back in Monterey/Carmel for a 3rd repeat sit with two funny felines. It’s purrfect because Monterey has always been my go to escape/happy place from the Bay area. Currently mild- mid 60’s Fahrenheit and sunny. Dorito and Tabalito send their Meows to everyone Processing: 20240614_160658.jpg…
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Think Roxy is pretty relaxed about our imminent departure :rofl::tr: #nextsitplease


Mabel 1 : Hare 0
She must have thought she’d got a great breakfast until I swapped it for a teeny tiny treat #FairExchangeIsNoRobbery (I haven’t worked her “leave it” or “drop” command yet)

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Ah … it´s going absolutely swingingly :smiley:


Dogs taking me around Richmond Castle (a bit faster than I might have done) while one of the cats guards the home