I had a Burmese move in with me for 2 years while it’s humans worked overseas. Quite a character and demonstrared the breed’s preference of being as high up as possible. In my home this was the backs of high-backed chairs or on the head (!) of anyone sitting there whose head was above the back. A friend’s Burmese kitten liked climbing up the hessian wallpaper (remember those days?), but didn’t know how to get down again - the wallpaper had to go!
Is this Mocha in Richmond?
Almost - its the one at Aske
I felt the 2 dogs that I’m looking after deserved a treat after behaving so well on their walks - previously they’d been dashing off into crops, chasing (and catching) hares and disturbing ground-nesting birds, but since day 2 they have been walked on leads and have grown accustomed to that, as if they’d always walked that way.
So today we visited a dog park, which for a modest fee gave us a hours sole use of a large secure field with patches of long grass and agility equipment (we only used a tunnel through which I flung balls for them to retrieve) as well as facilities for humans. I took their tennis balls and my flinger, and we had a great time.
Actually, I felt I deserved a treat too after de-thistling the very pretty garden (not a listed responsibility but the HO and I share a love for gardening and I enjoyed pottering - I filled a wheely bin with the thistles)
It’s been raining quite heavily here in Uruguay. The dogs have been going out intermittently for a wee and quick run between the rains and tracking in lots of mud.
We have been dancing and playing to burn but also spending lots of time snuggling.
The HO left their car as they always do but I have only used it to get to the lovely local farm shop. The front tire is low on pressure so off I go to fill it.
Way out of my comfort zone driving someone’s car into town with lots of dirt roads with unmarked intersections and who knows what bogey men may lurk…
Will I get lost? Cross when I should have stopped? Will the tire hold till I get there?
Will I find another great farm market? Will some wonderful soul come and help me?
Will I make it just fine and fill up the tire and have a wonderful drive in this beautiful country?
Hmm I suppose the only way to know is to go.
Gorgeous kitties
I’ll be back in Portland for a 3rd repeat sit in October, SW part.
From the boy’s in Monterey ( 3rd repeat sit) xoxo Dorito and Tabalito ( nicknames I gave them)Processing: 20240620_135640.jpg…
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I made it.
Yes I got lost.
Found of all things an English supermarket and stocked for myself and a nice welcome home dinner for my wonderful hosts and friends.
Filled my tire, got cocky and happy then got lost again and voila found my way home.
Meanwhile, I enjoyed all of this.
All is well

Is that God’s own country @DianeS? Fabulous skies
@andrealovesanimals Scottish Fold, Persian and Exotic Shorthair are some of the most adorable breeds I’ve cat sat. The Scottish Fold kittens I sat in Munich Germany were cuteness overload I still keep in touch with their moms.
@DianeS We are teaching our foster pup to swim in the local lake with the other dogs due to the same heat! I wonder if a paddling pool would fit on our balcony. Thank you for the inspiration