I’m on a sit for 2-3 months in Lexington, SC right on Lake Murray, with a big sunroom and a lap cat. She’s elderly but doing really well, especially since the owners took the dog with them! She’s enjoying having a personal slave. It’s so nice to be somewhere for this long.
We are on our 4th sit of the summer. It was slow to start with but the sits are flooding in now. Almost fully booked till November. Looking forward to an animal filled few months.
That’s so good to hear, especially that you’ll be helping first-timers to TrustedHousesitters. Lots of families ask whether house sitting will work for them, and this shows how families often attract other families. Of course many people who are used to having kids in their homes are very open to families as well, especially grandparents who’s pets adore all the attention they get from the grand-kids Have a wonderful time and let us know how it goes!
Welcome to the forum Elsie … and thanks for coming along to say hello! Love that… “flooding in” … it’s what we all want to hear With that rate of success I’m sure you’ll have some great tips for other members of the community once you find your way around! Where are you based right now?
We are in the south of England, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Dorset and hopefully Cornwall but getting sits there is very difficult. We enjoy rural sits with lots of animals to keep us busy but aren’t very keen on this horse poo picking concept, can’t understand the need but do it because it means we can be near to horses and other larger farm animals.
Would love a sit with pigs and/or llamas. I have to say dogs and chickens are my own favourite animals to sit for. Dogs that walk for miles and are happy to have a conversation or just be lazy in the evening.
We love this life and THS is the only site we have ever used so please…keep on trucking…
We enjoy lots of animals too. Funnily enough I didn’t even know that people picked up horse poo until we did our first sit with horses Just never thought about it I guess!! It became part of my daily exercise and I still laugh about how much poo 1 horse produces in a day
We recently did a sit with 2 llamas here in France, fascinating animals… hope you fulfill that dream soon. Sometimes we say this is the lifestyle that just keeps on giving… you epitomise that!! Wonderful feedback and lovely to hear what you love about house sitting.
We’ve had a few dogs like that… one big golden retriever who would just sit and stubbornly refuse to move when he decided the walk was over. It was a longish sit so eventually we were able to anticipate his pattern (which was often very different). He was one too big to be carried Will the Eiffel Tower be opening this week? We drove past it on the peripherique a few weeks ago returning from the UK - 1am in the morning and it was all lit up - looked fabulous. I too have passed it many times but still not visited! It’s always been a… “we’ll go next time”
Send us a view from the top!!
Hi all, we’re in the UK, on a sit on Hayling Island - a first for us - looking after 2 gorgeous cats, 8 tortoises- also a first - and fish, in a beautiful home. Life is good & we are blessed.
Hello Ann welcome to our community forum and thank you for joining us from Hayling Island, I once did a three month sit there looking after the most adorable MaineCoon, it’s a place I would never have seen had I not chosen to pet sit there, really such an enjoyable experience.
Is this a first UK sit or a first sit? Whichever it is enjoy and thank you for being part of our amazing community and joining in the conversation.
Angela and the Team
@Provence I was born and grew up in the tourist hotspot that is York. Yorkshire people are notoriously careful with their money! There were many attractions there that I had not visited, not wanting to pay to be a tourist in my home town. I had visited a few, usually when friends visited. As a student, I worked as a tour guide on open top buses and with that job I could enter many museums and attractions for free. I did visit a few more as a result, but not many.
I’ve lived 200 miles away for over 20 years. If I were to return to York, I think I would visit, some of the big attractions. Not for me, but to show my children their Yorkshire heritage. Especially the 10 year old loves to hold on to his money and not spend it. I think he must have my Yorkshire genes!
I am currently doing back to back HouseSits. I started at Mudgeeraba on the Gold Coast, Australia for three days on the weekend taking care of a French Bulldog.
Then I travelled to Bribie Island on Monday morning and I am currently taking care of a beautiful Golden Labador going to the beach every morning to play ball, and walking along the marina each afternoon watching the sunset.
Then I have a few days break, and then go back to the Gold Coast where I will be doing a regular HouseSit (will be there for Christmas), to take care of a very cute Papillion.
I have more HouseSits booked in July. One in a remote location south of Grafton for a week, then I go back to Moree NSW for the fourth time this year, to take care of my favourite kitties over there for another week. Plus I get to have a soak in the hot pools!
Waiting for further sits to be confirmed for August and September.
I find that interesting. I grew up in Vancouver and have definitely done all the “tourist” things there, as well as those in Kelowna where I live now. I guess the only difference was that I didn’t do them during high tourist season. I’m curious, have you been to the Louvre or any other famous art galleries, museums, or churches in Paris?
That being said, I’m often fairly content to miss super famous sights when I travel. I much prefer a small village to a big city.
Back to the main question, I’m still at home and not likely to be able to do a sit until 2022. Sigh.
We just completed our very first house sit in Old Windsor with two absolutely adorable dogs, what a fantastic experience!
We have a second sit lined up on a farm in July which I am looking forward to because I have always wanted to look after pigs. We are looking forward to many more sits to come, hopefully internationally now the world is starting to finally open up, we are just hoping the USA opens up soon!
What a happy picture @Samox24 I’m not sure who looks happier you or your adorable companion. Love Old Windsor and a farm and piggies next, we sat three in 2018, they are very special.
Everyone is hoping for more opportunities and they will come, we just have to be patient but most of all keep everyone safe.
Thank you for sharing and happy pet sitting.
@karenfay That’s great you have so many sits booked in Australia. We’re so lucky here to be able to travel between states and within our own state doing what we love. I’ve been mainly sitting in Victoria and NSW and am currently in Melbourne looking after a cavoodle. Heading to QLD for winter and have a sit booked so far in Buderim.
Temba it’s so encouraging to read about members being able to travel throughout Australia once again, so happy to hear you are back to doing what you love …
In United States on a two dog sit in Northern Virginia with husband. So perfect to be close to Washington DC and have a parking space for our car.
Museums are starting to open up. One has to make reservations as patrons are being kept at a set number.
We can feel the excitement of families returning to travel. Sharing info about trusted housesitters to neighbors who are ready to TRAVEL again.
I predict summer will have so many options for owners and sitters!
Cue Happy dance!
Wonderful news - Happy dancing along with you Dilarm!!
This month we have sits in New Mexico and Arizona which are all going well. The dogs and cats, some of whom are elderly, are doing fine. It sure is hot in the southern part of these two states!
Hi @Bcooley thank you for sharing, we could do with some of that sunshine and warmth (heat) in the UK right now. So happy that all of the elderly pets you’re caring for are well and happy.