Withdrawing application

Is there a way to withdraw application after submitting? The way it seems to work is that one lets the HO know with a note and then the HO declines.

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You just un-tick the dates you applied for.


@Myhnabird, thank you!


But you will likely still get the declined messages from the HO when they select someone else.

Yes you will, sadly.

There is no longer an option to untick the dates - the app has changed. Now there is only a button to “withdraw application.” Does this count against a sitter if it is before any accept or decline has occurred? I would hope not – but we’re needing to book flights and several kind messages have not yielded a single response one way or the other.

If a sit hasn’t been confirmed and accepted you can withdrawn your application at anytime . You are not agreeing to anything when you apply to a sit - you are just connecting with the host - no commitment until the host confirms you as their sitter and you press “accept” .

I don’t think the app has changed - The dates tick boxes is when the host has listed multiple dates and you choose which ones you want to apply for . If they only have one date listed you don’t get that date tick box .


I wanted to correct an application I had sent, but I see no way to either edit it or withdraw it, or at least send the homeowners a clarifying message. The “Withdraw” option was gone within a couple minutes. And I see no way to contact them again.


Hi @stevereinemer. Welcome to the forum.

You can write to the HO by going to your inbox. You will also be able to withdraw, on the “dates and updates” option.

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