Would anyone consider a sit like this?

Hi Betsy, Yes absolutely! If I didn’t have a pup who would need to have a sitter I would jump at the chance to sit for you… (and only I live a mail boat ride away from you!) I think there are perks, as you’ve described, for those seeking a peaceful existence and a place of respite–coming here from afar or an island hop away. You might easily find someone who lives on a ferry served island who is looking for an escape and is very capable. I know I’ve seen familiar names on the member list.
P.S. You’ve done a great job describing the natural beauty and peaceful setting.


puts hands up

(both of them)


Plenty of people would go for it. So many people dream of going off grid, they could test run it at your place.
I have to have clean, messy is aslo a turn off, but other people won’t care.
If you’re as honest in your add as you were here (I’d just cut and paste it) and maybe get people to come and stay a day or two beforehand so you could show them the ropes, it could be a grand adventure.
On a sit, in a country town, I was told not to worry about locking doors. At 4am a drunken neighbour woke me up, crying over her man troubles. She thought I was the homeowner, I found it very funny. I had been forewarned that it was a close community. The fun of this is also meeting the people we’re living amongst whilst we house sit.


Wow …. I would love this. My brother used to live on an island off NZ in the seventies and I loved it. This sounds similar. I remember a bath that three adults and two children shared … once a week … a couple of inches deep from rainwater.

As others have said only maybe 1 in 20 would say yes … but they would love it. As others say post with pictures of the beauty and the “issues” so people know what they are getting into. BUT the 1 in 20 would have the time of their lives. Good luck! Tom from Dartmoor


Absolutely someone will be interested. Several years ago I house sat at a place much like you describe, except that it was on the mainland so I could drive into town in necessary. Completely off-grid, took care of dairy goats, split wood for the wood furnace that heated the house, composting toilet that I had to tend to, and very sparsely furnished as the owner had put it on the market and was living elsewhere. The property sold in three weeks and I was prepared to stay for two months.

So yes, there are people who love off-grid living and “roughing it”.


I’m delighted and reassured by all the encouraging responses here!


You absolutely can find a sitter! We sitters are all kinds and LOTS of people are looking to experience off grid living before taking the plunge themselves. In fact I think you’re offering a real service actually. Plus I’ve sit in your area and it is STUNNING! We young folks are adventurous for sure. A lot of people want to get away from EMF too so you have that going for you as well. Be confident that you have a special and beautiful offer to make. And thanks for joining the THS community! We need you!


This sounds like a dream-sit to me!
I have no doubt that you will garner plants of interest.


:paw_prints: Yes! I believe you could find someone to house sit. Like me I dont judge anyone for anything especially clean house, I understand completely. So I know there has to be other sitters out there who are the same. Also the location sounds amazingly remote and beautiful! Definitely somewhere I would like to live myself one day.:slightly_smiling_face: So i have faith you will be able to find a sitter!!:paw_prints:

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I’m sure someone will apply! It wouldn’t work for me personally, I guess I’m too much of a spoilt modern day person to go without electricity or warm water… other things however wouldn’t bother me at all. I can deal with a certain level of mess and clutter and old furniture adds to the charm!

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I think this sounds a fantastic sit. I would be interested, depending on how easy and how expensive from the UK? Also if all covid restrictions lifted. Would like to know how you go about food though, if no shops etc. If fresh veg/fruit in the garden for example and a fisherman selling fish, I would be perfectlyn fine. Just sounds an idylic location.

Hello, I’m a writer who craves quiet when I’m deep in a project so this would be paradise to me, depending on the length of the sit. I imagine there are plenty of others out there with similar desires.

Echoing all the sentiments here… I actually go out of my way to find sits like you describe, it’s not always easy and I wish there was some sort of “off-grid flag” for our community! And while I’m based in the Seattle area, would actually travel some ways to learn from and experience this level of homesteading. It helps me widen my skills for my own dream someday.