“You’re busy with another date “?

Strange messages when looking at sits today! :flushed:

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and are you? :rofl:

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I usually get this… ‘sit’ instead of ‘date’!

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…. But how do THS know ? :wink:


This is on the web page not the app …:person_shrugging:

Oh- yet another descrepancy between web & app then!


It’s called Big Brother…he’s watching…YOUUUUUUUU! :rofl: :rofl:


Because you’ve got sits booked perchance?
I’m not sure I understand what your problem is….

No problem @Smiley I found it mildly amusing …which is why I shared it…

Yes … I do have sits booked ….the usual message is “busy with another sit….”

but “busy with another date” doesn’t make sense …

Unless the definition of date that is intended is

“ a social or romantic appointment or engagement.”

Seems strange that it has been changed to something nonsensical!


This reminds me of a listing with loads of responsibilities. One of the tasks was “dating”.

(the eggs of the chickens)


Ah, I completely missed that!

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Check the listings to see if I have a date… Ooh look I do, I wonder who with?!

On a serious note though, it makes no sense. You are either “busy with another sit”, or you “have another sit booked during these dates”.

Why change it and why make the website and app different?


Probably different people wrote the copy and they might have considered that sitters can be busy with engagements other than sits. “Date” can be generic, like a date with destiny, LOL.


Me thinks THS needs a proof reader before going live with changes …

Which reminds me of when the new review system was being introduced and THS described homeowners as furry … :joy:


@Maggie8K Except that sitters can’t add unavailable dates to the calendar. The only “busy” dates are other THS sits. So “you’re busy with another sit” was perfectly fine.

Unless they are planning to add to the calendar functionality? I won’t hold my breath!


Hello @Silversitters Thanks for raising this!

I passed the feedback about the word ‘date’ and any difference between the app and website wording to the team. It would be helpful if they both showed the same.

This is the latest screenshot I have access to, but I will update you when they let me know more details.

The furry homeowners made me chuckle too. I fed it back at the time and the team mentioned that referred to the pets as being homeowners as well (eg the pets are in charge of the home as furry homeowners). They apologised if it did not translate that way and will keep it in mind for the future :slight_smile:

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:thinking: I’m sorry @Carla but that response from “the team” doesn’t make sense … the pets can’t leave a honest and open feedback in a review ….which is what the paragraph was all about .

We are all human and make mistakes …THS would gain a lot more respect from me if they said acknowledged this and said “oops we made a mistake, thanks for pointing that out …”
rather than try to style it out say that is what they intended all along …IMHO that response makes them look ridiculous…

It would be much more relatable if they could have a laugh at themselves when a mistake happens rather than get so defensive !


Hello, @Silversitters I’m sorry if you read it as them being defensive. They genuinely expressed it was a play with words to make it light-hearted and fun (eg the most important review comes from the pet - if they could speak :laughing:) They also said they were sorry if it did not translate that way and they would learn from that in the future.

They were very open and appreciative of your feedback :smiling_face:


As long as it doesn’t say ’ you have a dentist appointment that date’