I’d honestly rather not email member services, or hear their reasons why this has happened, I just wanted to flag it up as something that’s broken!
It’s just that I have come to understand that the forum moderators are not the trouble shooting role I thought they were for certain technical issues that come up and that the THS “team” doesn’t directly monitor the forum as once they may have.
I think mods only really get involved once MS seems to be dropping the ball, if you will.
A few times recently members have mentioned that the more we contact MS with “issues” that may have more of an impact and a better use of our time on the forum.
The Forum team is here to manage the Forum, connect with its members, give everyone a space to discuss all things THS and ensure things are running smoothly. We help with things like sharing feedback and can pass things on to the team where there are issues with MS, but it’s always best to try MS directly in the first instance. Without wanting to get too off-topic, we’ll be sharing more about the Forum team and how it works over the coming months!
@Pips I ran this past the team and they’ve asked if you’d be open to them contacting you to get some more information to help them understand what’s going on - if you’re open to that could you let me know please? When it comes to troubleshooting it’ll help them know more if they can get the detail straight from you.