THS reminder emails sending on wrong dates

I’m on a sit now that has been confirmed for months and spans from Wed 14th to Sun 18th.

Before the sit I got the standard “Two Days to Go…” email, but it arrived on Tuesday 13th at noon, when the sit was starting literally the next day.

The sit finishes tomorrow, but I’ve just now received the standard “Your Sit Ends in Two Days” email, but again my sit is finishing tomorrow.

Has anyone else been receiving these emails on the wrong day? I have another sit agreed for next week so I guess I can wait to see if it continues to be a problem.

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All communications are sent via GMT or UTC that it is now. So you are receiving notifications according to that time zone

Yes, it’s always a day out for me, I don’t understand it, and I always semi-panic thinking I’ve got my dates wrong, even when I know it’s a fault with THS. I’m a sitter but I am sure home owners must totally freak out when they get those emails, thinking they haven’t got cover for their pets, when they are due to fly elsewhere the following day.

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No they aren’t I’m in the UK, the ones to me aren’t sent via GMT at all, their dates are always a day out for me.

Don’t know then sorry :person_shrugging:

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Same here @LondonUKSitter @ziggy . E-mail arrives midday the day before the sit starts but says “ your sit starts in two days “ .

I am a sitter in U.K. doing U.K. sits so on this occasion I don’t think it’s about time zones .

It’s also seems very random which e-mails are sent out. Some sits we get the “your sit starts” e-mail but not the “your sit ends” and some both and some none at all .

Not great coms from THS ! Because of this we don’t rely on THS platform for reminders . We exchange mobile numbers as soon as sit is confirmed ( at the latest ) . For our own peace of mind and to reassure the hosts , we check in with the hosts with a month to go and again when there is a week to go .

Having learned the hard way we now always state the day of the week in our communication too …” Hi just confirming that we are looking forward to house sitting for you starting Saturday 17th Feb and leaving on Saturday 24th “

On several occasions this has alerted homeowners to the fact that they have mixed up the dates . ( “Oh our mistake we get back on Friday 23rd “)
…. This gives us time to sort out any mixups in good time prior to sit starting .


We do the same.

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Yes, it happened to me as a HO, that was about 2 weeks ago.

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For my recently completed sit I received the “your sit begins soon” email, but not the “your sit ends soon” one. I also had a “you’ve been left a review now do yours” email after I had already submitted my review.
The email system is wonky.


Yes we’ve had that too !!

As I’m in the UK, so that doesn’t matter much. I received the email this morning at a 11:00 GMT telling me that my sit ends in 2 days for the sit that ends tomorrow.

@LondonUKSitter as I mentioned earlier, I just don’t know then. Someone needs to contact THS and ask the question I guess, that’s the only way this question and topic can be confirmed

I don’t think I have received emails before the start and the end of my sit that ended yesterday.

In general, email from THS is a bit of a mess. All email from THS come from the same sender account, so it is difficult to sort and to filter. Most of what I get are the daily notifications for my Saved search, the rest is drowning in that flow.

@ziggy @LondonUKSitter @HappyDeb @pietkuip @PetSitterBug @DianeS

Maybe we should all contact them ? :slightly_smiling_face:

e-mail :

No, I am not going to bother.

I am not an expert in communications strategies but I once made some suggestions for the “Trusted Times” monthly newsletter, every month with the same content line: “The Trusted Times | Your Monthly Newsletter”. That is so stupid.

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@Silversitters nice idea but I don’t really need the information, I was just originally helping the OP which I eventually said I didn’t know.

Personally I always double/triple check the start/end dates with the HO through direct communication so I never really take much notice of the THS notifications. Maybe others who need to know might like to ask support. Thanks anyway :blush:

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Based on a post in an older topic I’m not sure they can fix it, which is common in older software, possibly produced by someone who has moved on. Which worries me.

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