Adding two sitters to a sit?

Hello! I am new to THS, but my boyfriend has been on it a few years. We are booked to a sit via his profile. Is there a way that we can both be booked to the same sit and I can begin to “get credit” for the sit? Thanks!


Hi there @akhr2001 & welcome. The short answer is unfortunately not. If the sit has been agreed on his profile then the review will go to him. You can either sit as a couple and share reviews or you can create a new profile (& pay for the additional membership for yours) and build your own profile and then link reviews from the other one (if you’re on the sit with him) when you first start off. It’s really about how often you’ll sit as a couple or on your own on which option you choose. #decisionsdecisions

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As long as he agrees, then for future sits, if he goes to ‘edit my profile’, I believe he should be able to add you to his profile as in the image, and then continue with your name etc, but also he would also need to adapt his profile a little so that you are included in it. But he would still be the main person associated with the actual account (because I am guessing he has reviews), with just his log-in, it’s just the way THS is, it’s a little silly that long term couples (like us), or married couples don’t have their own log-in. But my partner has the app on his phone too and just simply uses my log-in details.


The reviews will just go on the one account but if you have gotten on well with the hosts and you want to join THS or another house sitting sit in your own name you can always ask those hosts to write you an external review . Or take screenshots of the reviews where they mention your name and include them in your profile photos.


If you got on well with the HO then you could ask to split the sit between both of your profiles and then HO could copy paste same review for both of you.