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If you would like input you can add the link to your profile in your forum profile, we cannot see it otherwise @YFrenkel
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It is all in the wording. You could frame it in a way that emphasizes the value of privacy and personal space. For example:
“Our neighborhood values the importance of personal space and respect that everyone enjoys their own privacy and may prefer to keep to themselves.” I know loads of people who would consider that a big +…
I’m not too sure how it will align - would a kosher kitchen align also with a vegan lifestyle ? Then one could say that. I’ve seen that some vegans do not want the kitchen used for other foods.
If this is for the holidays I do think it is important that you consider a plan B. Even with a sitter you need that for an emergency. Look into paid sitters, maybe some in your circle could want to sit. For instance if they have guests over the holidays it could be great to sit and vacate their own home to home-coming relatives, for instance.