Owners (or anyone who knows really…) >72 hours after application my message(s) are still “unread”.
Is this accurate, or are there sneaky ways of viewing an application & messages without it showing up as “read”?
Saltrams, at one point if messages were read on the app they still show as unread.
The team were aware of this glitch but I am not sure if it was resolved,
I’ve tagged @Therese to see if she has any information on this that I may not be aware of. To my knowledge if anyone opens a message it will show read. If you have a desktop and go to messages you would be able to see the title of each persons listing but nothing more.
Thank you @Kelly My main concern is that our application for the sit hasn’t been read. It’s entirely possible that the HO is away (do people go away & not check their mail?) or in some unforeseen crisis period. I would just be very disappointed if some tech glitch meant that our application hadn’t materialised in the HO’s Inbox.
Do I understand correctly what you mean? I almost always use the Website on Safari on my iPad. My Inbox shows the interactions with multiple HOs in a list with the most recently communicated with first. If I select the HO in question (dropping rapidly down the list now!), my initial application and subsequent message appear with the little “unread” dark envelope icon.
I have the App but don’t use it much. The messages in question are showing unread there too.
I’m pretty sure now, after your response, that they just haven’t seen or read my application.
Do HOs get an auto message from THS “Anon has applied for your sit”?
Hi @Saltrams
Just to confirm that the message will show read on both the App and the Website once a pet parent/owner has read it. They do get sent a notification that they have received a new message.
I am sorry they have not read your message yet. I would like to suggest, that if it really is a sit you would like to pursue, perhaps to do a follow up email and hopefully they will respond.
Thanks again @Therese. Luckily, they have now read & responded (we got it, yay!) but the info holds good for the future should the same happen again; there’s no way for an HO to read an application yet have it remain as “unread”.
Thanks everyone.
It would be the responsibility of the home owner to invite you to the sit. Other than encouraging them to do so, I don’t think there is anything a sitter could do to confirm the plans.
Curious to know if this is one of those admin-moved posts? It’s replying to someone who hasn’t posted in the thread (@AnnaBaker)and doesn’t address the subject. If it has been moved, this practice isn’t helpful as it just adds confusion!
@Vanessa_A @Therese @Angela_L - apologies for all the tags but I just don’t know who does what any more - is this moving practice a big thing now? It’s makes for very disjointed reading. Maybe an auto-description “moved here by name” would help but wouldn’t just leaving things be make for a more fluid experience?
Hi @Saltrams, yes, it appears so, though I wasn’t aware of it until now!
Hi @Saltrams on this occasion the author chose to delete her post … which happens.
Admins move posts to more relevant threads when appropriate, if part of a conversation replies are included, with a link to topic for direction.
Same here. As of this morning, I have one application marked unread on the app but read on the website.
Hmmm @buildabearwithme, as I understood it, that isn’t supposed to be possible. Back to @Therese with that one….
Hi @buildabearwithme and nice to see you back again. I’m going to tag @Therese so that she can check this out with the tech team when back online Monday. Thank you for your patience until then
Just been accepted for a sit showing my initial application unread. Obviously they read it or it wouldn’t have been accepted! Was still showing as unread when I checked
HI @ziggy will tag Therese-Moderator so that she can check this out when she is back online. Thank you
Update: Issue solved
Not sure if this an across the board “secret hack” but I get emails on any messages on the main platform that I can read without logging into the site.
Only until I log in and view the message will it change to read.
Same on the forum. I can read and even respond through my email on any thread I follow.
I imagine others can as well.
@ziggy; I knew it! It’s like Outlook & somehow the recipient can see a preview without it showing. Intrigued now .
Hi Angela and thanks. The messages are all now showing as read but we’re unread up until the point of the homeowners reply. No need to check, I don’t think it will now show anything but thanks again
Hi @Amparo, you tech wizard. How do you do that?
Long time ago now but I think I subscribed, linked or clicked a tick box somewhere. Don’t really remember but I know that I have been able to accept a sit from the message notification in my email separate from mssgs in my THS inbox.
I really think it was just the accept email notifications.
Could be a fluke or I am just nutters, wait…