Is there any way to better search the available housesits ?..for example can one somehow search housesits in North America on a lake with a canoe ?
We are oder and have used TH very sucessfully in the US and UK. We would now be able to more easily search for sits best suited to our actual interests. Combing the Available Sits for location and dates is fairly cumbersome.
Thanks for any insight.
No it’s too specific, but if I wanted a lake with a canoe, I would search via the map, and zoom in enough until lakes show up, and see if there’s any sits nearby and check them out.
Many thanks… Yes I already use the map quite a lot…but its a big continent.
More clearly, I wondered if one can Google search, for example, “Trustedhousesitters canoe” and whether results might show up ?
I realize one would need membership to read the search result.
Just trying to streamline the search process to our needs for an extended trip.
I just googled “housesitting near lake” and got a lot of US listings (THS and other sites) in towns with Lake in the name. I assume those places do have a lake somewhere nearby.