I can’t find the calendar in my sitter profile. The instructions on the website say:
To update the calendar via the website:
- Log into your account
- Depending on what device you are using either click your name or the three lines in the top right corner
- Select ‘Dashboard’
- Scroll to the green ‘My Sitter Profile’ box
- Click ‘Manage availability’
- Here you can use the calendar drop-downs to enter the dates that you are available to sit
- Click ‘Add’ to update your calendar
I do not have a button for “Manage availability”. I only have:
Your profile details
About you
Your experience
Your preferences
Your verifications
I contacted support and they didn’t understand my message. Said just look in my profile to find my calendar. It’s not there. Sent screenshots. Anyone else have the same issue? Help.
In addition to this, the app doesn’t work. Not good.
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HI @cherylfah Make sure you’re viewing full screen. I’m on a MacBook Air - 13" screen but I rarely work full screen. When I look at My Sitter Profile, all I can see is ‘Man’ of Manage Availability to the right, which reminds me that I have to go full screen to access it. Perhaps you have the same scenario. I don’t know if it’s still an issue, if you’re using smaller than a 13" screen.
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Thanks but no. No issues with my screen, it’s 15x7. Blank white space under “Your Verifications” and then a banner that says Get 2 FREE months on us!!". Even tried zooming to 50% and it’s just white space.
@cherylfah In reading your initial post again I think I can figure things out. The headings you mention - Your profile details etc. - display when you click on Edit profile (green bar, top right in image below). You don’t access it that way. The wording you need to look for should display below and to the right of that green bar - at least it does for me. If it doesn’t then I’m out of ideas.
Hi @cherylfah if you are using the app then:
- go to “Me” at the very bottom of the screen in the right hand corner (the person icon)
- on the next page menu choose “view and edit profile”
- you should see your name and photo at the top of the page, scroll all the way down past your profile photos and information about you under various headings that you mentioned above until you see the availability heading in bold
- tap on the word “view” with the very small green arrow to the right, that will open up your availability calendar
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The app doesn’t work. When I click on the microscopic View with small green arrow, it kicks me over to my homeowners profile. I cannot access the sitter availability calendar on either the app or the website.
I’m also a HO & sitter & that doesn’t happen to me. You need tech support to help you out
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Hi @cherylfah. I agree with @Snowbird, but let’s see if we can try again, step-by-step?
You pasted the TH site’s Help info correctly, but for everybody’s reference, it’s here: https://support.trustedhousesitters.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4408540183825-How-do-I-update-my-availability-calendar-on-my-sitter-profile-
I’ll focus on the website path. If that fails, I can post again about the (iPhone) app path.
I’m on a MacBook Air running Safari.
I tried to make the screencaps self-explanatory. Just follow the red boxes. Click on an image to make it larger.
(click your name/icon)
(choose Dashboard)
(scroll down)
(find your Sitter Profile, then look far right) (tap “Manage availability”) |
(edit calendar)
If you see something different, please post your screenshots. And the device/browser you are using.
- Clearly there’s a bug with the placement of “Manage availability,” so it could be off-screen for certain devices/browsers/resolutions.