Hi everyone! I’m new and have a question. Sometimes I see sits that I really like but only for a period of it. Is it possible to choose a fraction of time within the dates that the HO stipulated? If not, is it acceptable to propose the fraction?
Nope. You should only apply if you can do the full sit. The only exception would be maybe if the listing said the dates were flexible. Generally, splitting up sits is not a good idea. If you see the sit is very low on applications over time, I suppose you could offer.
You can’t apply for a fraction of the dates. You could only apply for the full period and offer the HO the section that you would prefer. I can’t see there would be a benefit to the HO of splitting their sit between two sitters unless they were struggling to get a sitter or it’s for a long term period. I personally wouldn’t be comfortable preceding or following another sitter without the home owner having been present in case there was damage caused or they were unhappy about something that I couldn’t prove hadn’t been caused by myself. I guess it is always worth asking though.
HO and sitter here.
I’d say it depends on the situation? If it’s a long sit but you’d have to miss a few days, I’d apply and be up front about that.
If you have a reason to be somewhere anyways, you can always inform the owner you’ll be around for x of the days and can help out IF they don’t get full coverage.
If it’s only a day or two of many you could do, I’d skip those. They’re a pain to deal with on both sides.
For short sits (few weeks), you’ll notice HOs usually do not accept sitters that can’t do the full dates with some minor exceptions like maybe if you can’t stay the last day and it’s a cat, they can ask a neighbour etc. But the latter very much depends on popularity of the sit - for sits with low applications HOs may be a little more flexible out of need.
Keep in mind though: this is not AirBnB, not Couchsurfing, not a hotel - these are real homes with real pets that need to be looked after. Thus it generally doesn’t make sense for an HO to accept a sitter for only the dates you like to do, cause how will they get someone for the days before or after?
I have applied for partial dates when the dates have been coming around quickly. But I have always made it crystal clear in my first message to them about our availability, and I’ve even said the exact timings on the start and leave day too, so that they have the full picture.
At least two of our sits that I can think of have worked out really well for both parties, otherwise the HO’s would have been stuck with no sitter. Then all the HO needs to do if they go with you is change their sit dates to match your availability.
Sometimes an HO can get a neighbour or family to care for their pets for a couple of days, just not a whole fortnight, so it’s a win-win. Better that than having to accept someone they don’t feel is the right fit, or get no cover for their pets at all.
But if your dates a quite a while away then don’t be surprised if they say they would rather hold out to see if they can get anyone for the whole period. That’s only natural.
I am a HO and I delete applications asking to do only a part of the sit immediately, without any message more.
It’s really a waste of time.
Eh, I disagree. One day out of seven, sure, not helpful. Six or even five? Okay, let’s talk.