How should I choose a date

Hello! I´m new here and have a question about dates. If I want to apply for a pet/house sit, is it possible for me to apply for a period shorter than what´s asked? What I mean is, I might be not be available for the whole period. Would that help the owner to solve part of the need and he/she may post for a shorter period? Or would that make it more difficult for some reason I don´t realize right now?

No one can answer that question, because all hosts vary. Some might hate that. Some might not, because they can ask family, friends or neighbors to help for a day or two, for instance.

In some cases, hosts indicate in listings that their dates are flexible. Those probably are your best bets.

I’d suggest checking on sits with low applications, because those hosts might be more flexible. For sits in popular locations, you’d probably be wasting their time, because they likely get many applicants, including ones who can cover the whole sit.


Welcome @Dudi

Usually a host will list dates because they already have booked their holiday flights etc .

If it’s a long sit then it may be possible for owner to split it between two sitters . However many sitters don’t like to do split sits.

(Here is a thread to read about the reasons why many sitters don’t like split sits .)


I’ve done it on two occasions that I can think of, but both were just where our availability was only a day or two shorter than what they needed, and it worked out fantastic both times, because they were both in a more remote areas so I knew they wouldn’t have as many sitters applying. The only difference is we already had a few reviews under our belt, so if you are starting from scratch you may not have much success, unless you live quite local to where the sit is, then you still stand a decent chance.

I still wrote a full personal message as I normally would. However, near the start of it I explain about our availability, as the last thing you want to do is let the owner read your message before discovering there may be a problem, which I would imagine would make them feel like you had wasted their time, rather than wanting to help them.


As you’re new I recommend you only apply for sits with dates you can do. You need to build up good reviews. As mentioned there can be problems with splitting dates & handing over to or taking over from someone else.


That´s true. I´ll take a look at the messages.
Thank you!

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Definitely, The best thing to do is adapt to the owner’s needs.
Thank you for your attention.

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I see… Really, the best thing is for me to clear up any doubts with the owner and arrange it in advance.
Thank you for the advice.

I was thinking about it, first trying to fit in exactly with the need, so I can see how it works. and on other occasions see if there will be flexibility in the dates.
Thank you.

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Generally you don’t choose the date. It’s not a hotel, you can’t just book in for the dates of your trip and arrive/leave when you want. You look at the sits available during the dates you’re available and then apply for those.