Change in search function (website only)

Hello everyone,
I’ve been a TH sitter for many years, and just this morning I noticed a change to the search function on the TH website (not the app). I wanted to see if this was an unintentional, temporary bug or whether this is now going to be the new normal. In the past, when searching for a sit, you would come across all the active listings first, and then you could also peruse inactive listings - which was useful for researching future potential sits, marking some as favorites. Today, it appears that the search function on the web is ONLY showing active listings. There seems to be NO WAY to view inactive listings. This would be a terrible new feature if so. Please let me know what you are seeing.

Hi @kimbaco and welcome back to the forum. I just did a check and the inactive listings are still below the active ones. May depend on the location as you might have to trawl through many pages to find them!


Thanks. It seems to be buggy, since the problem disappears and then reappears.

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It happens to me as well. They now show “sits you may like” first and sometimes instead of non active listings.

I’ve noticed if I don’t have filters on other than the dates I get the unlisted ones but not when I add in other filters. Might be worth having a play around to see what happens?

I haven’t tried lately, but it seemed to me they showed inactive sits only when the list of active sits wasn’t very long?