I am thinking of upgrading to the tier that includes trip cancellation insurance. I’m reluctant, however, since I’m fairly picky about my sitters. I understand that THS must be given the opportunity to find an alternative sitter for me - I understand this - BUT… MUST I accept whomever they find?
I live in a very popular tourist destination in California and, luckily, have no trouble getting tons of applicants. (I’ve had six sits in the past year). I always choose sitters with full background checks, tons of five-star reviews and excellent experience with dogs, etc.
I have, on many many occasions, turned away sitters after reading only a fraction of their profiles. I fear THS would try to force someone on me whom I might not find suitable. How valid is this fear? … thanks for any insights. (I did read the TOS and did not see anything about the criteria used in choosing a replacement and I absolutely would do my due diligence in re-listing on my own if time allowed) - thanks for insights!
We’ve just used it successfully as sitters when a sit was cancelled by the HO 3 days before it started. All worked and paid out within 14 days as we ticked all the Ts & Cs (one being we had to prove no sits near us for our cancelled dates). Don’t think that we have ever heard THS say they would find you an alternative sitter though @DogMomster - that would seem a near on impossible task for them and many man hours. Yes that you look for another sitter possibly but only one that fits all your criteria. Are you sure? Premium has been well worth the extra for us. #fortyfivedollarswellspent
Hi @DogMomster, THS will not find you a replacement sitter; they will just give you the opportunity to re-list and find another one suitable. If no success, then you may be entitled to claim on the cancellation.
@DogMomster - the wording of the T&Cs does say that you must allow THS to find you another sitter .
“ Where a Sit is cancelled at short notice or abandoned during the Sit, Pet Parents must allow Us to attempt to source an alternative Sitter.
However in reality they don’t have sufficient staff in their support department to actually do that . It wouldn’t be practical in any case just as you might not be happy with the sitter they choose - the sitter they pick might also not be available or want your sit / location . THS can’t force a sitter to do a sit and can’t force an owner to accept a particular sitter .
The T&C for sitters state that
“ Where Pet Parents cancel a Sit at short notice or during the Sit, Sitters must allow Us to attempt to source an alternative house Sit where possible.”
but that is not a reality - in practice ( I know from personal experience) they tell you to look for your own replacement sit .
Something to bear in mind when upgrading your membership is that the sit cancellation plan only covers sits that are cancelled within 14 days of the start of the sit / or sits that are curtailed if sitter leaves early .