Discover Pet Sitting Jobs - advertisement from TrustedHousesitters

Now THAT is proper advertising for a petsitting site! :+1:


And another good one :raised_hands:t3:


That’s a great one @Cuttlefish

this is what was in my Inbox today

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and another one in my Inbox today - quite cute

but I had to read it couple of times to understand what it means. I think it would be better as “In-home pet sitting”…


The grammar is a bit clunky too @cat.tails but that’s just my copywriter OCD head kicking in :rofl::rofl: Definitely a marked improvement on a pet focused campaign :raised_hands:t3:

possibly written by ChatGPT or something like that

3rd ad in my Inbox today - the bots are busy :rofl:

@cat.tails I find this 3rd one :point_up: amusing as the title doesn’t match the photo … that cute cottage doesn’t look like it is in a city more like a quiet village ….yet the title is “explore new cities”

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yes, you are right!
I think that the bots get confused sometimes :joy: Surely a human did not create this ad?

It’s the Gmail placement of a Google Display or Demand Gen ad. For this type of ad, you give Google a selection of images, headlines and descriptions and Google will mix and match them in different combinations. Ideally all content provided will make sense for all possible combinations but it doesn’t always happen.

I’d say it’s definitely your business, @cat.tails We’re all active participants in TH. We are their customers, suppliers and stock, so it’s only natural we’d have an interest in how it operates!

latest ad in my Gmail inbox

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today’s ad in my gmail Inbox

nice to see a pic of pets but the cat does not look very happy imo

I’m not sure I agree with the wording 100% - it is the “in exchange for a place to stay” phrase that grates a bit with me. How else can sitters provide in-home pet sitting unless they stay in the pet’s (or pets’ if more than one animal) home, duh?

I know it’s a fine line but there’s a difference between me looking after pets in order to stay in the HO’s home, and me staying in the HO’s home because I want to look after the pet(s). For me, the pets are more important than the house.

and one more ad turned up

In the US I think a homeowner charging a sitter to stay would have to report that as income. Even if it is to cover utilities. If a HO pays me to sit I have pay taxes on that amount.

fyi - today’s ad

@cat.tails , that’s a brave one to put out when we all know the immigration risks when sitting abroad!

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I guess THS do not think there is any problem with pet sitting abroad?

Finally a sitter-targeted ad that centers the pets!

What I’ve noticed about the last week or so’s ads is that the only ones with animals were targeting the pet/home owners, while the ones geared toward sitters had generic shots of luxury homes and emphasizes travel.

Ove the past 2 years, I have favourited a lot of listings in the UK and Europe. I have also glimpsed various listings in the USA and Australia even though I am not looking for cat sits in those countries. I have NEVER seen a single house that looks like the pics used in the THS ads. Aren’t the ads very misleading? Is that allowed? Wouldn’t it be more truthful if THS asked certain HOs if they could use external pics of their houses? I guess that generic/stock pics of dogs and cats is okay, but the house pics I have seen in the ads so far are not at all typical which means it is misleading.