Does 'favourites' notification work for anybody?

We have been TH members for over 4 years and recently discovered the favourites feature. We have marked a number of potential sits as favourites, but have never been notified of their availability. But we have seen and applied for some of the same sits. Does this feature actually work?

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YES! :slightly_smiling_face:
I have favorited sits with no active listings and get notified when there is a new listing.
I favorite the desired wish lists as well as sits I would definitely return to.
It’s pretty sweet. Most often I am already booked or the dates don’t work but I like to see the activity. It also lets me see feedback left.
Great question and welcome @suepiggott


I agree with @Amparo. I get notifications on my phone for both favourites generally, and those I’ve sat for previously that I’ve favourited. I love this feature and find it useful for me to identify sits that I know will be a match for my preferences.

If you think sits that you’ve favourited have been listed, check your account settings [dashboard >settings > contact settings] to make sure you have email updates enabled.


Hi @suepiggott
I had the same problem as you, until I found that it only works through the app. Once I downloaded the app I started to be notified each time new dates were posted as indicated by the above members

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I have my favorites on both the app and the website but do not receive notifications when they post their listing. I followed all the suggestions in the faq’s so don’t know what’s wrong. I don’t receive my saved search results either, but I do receive other emails from THS. I decided to contact membership services today and hope to get this straightened out soon.

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Hi @mars. I can only share what has worked for me. I have two narrow searches (limited area) on my phone. Those give me notifications on my phone anytime a favourite lists, or in fact anytime anyone lists in those areas. Did you check your phone settings, to make sure you have notifications turned on for that app?

On my laptop I did a saved search of a much wider area, as I didn’t want notifications coming on my phone for that search as it would ping too often. For that search I get a daily email.

I think that for anything I’ve favourited, I get a notification on my phone. However, I’m really not sure whether it’s for all three searches, or just the two narrower ones. Given I’m staying close to home for now, it hasn’t been a great concern for me so I haven’t given it much thought.

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Thanks for the tip @Snowbird I didn’t have notifications turned on on my phone but I do now. I’ll see if that makes a difference. I’ll have to wait for MS to sort out why I’m not getting my saved search emails. Thanks again!

Ben gave a clear explanation of this for me a while ago in a post. I’ll attach it and maybe that will clarify your last point. If you’ve only done saved searches on the app, you won’t get any emails.


I do get notifications on my phone for favorite sits; never get notified of anything via email anymore…not sure why. You should contact support to see if the can give guidance…at this point i am just checking daily to see what is available. Good luck!

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Every time I get on the forum I learn something. I get a daily email of available sit and a text for saved sits. However, I’ve never been notified of my saved areas. I have now saved on my phone, I’ll see if I’m notified if a sit comes up in my saved state. Thanks for the tip!

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I don’t get any notifications via emails anymore except when I have a message from the forum or a HO. All my new sits communication comes on my phone. I am ok with that. So far it works for me as I find myself wishing I could clone myself. Lots of fabulous sits out there.

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Make sure you have your notifications on your phone turned on as mentioned.

Make sure to keep in mind that saved searches and favourites are distinctly different. For example, I could favourite a sit in France but I don’t have a saved search for France. If that homeowner in France did a new listing I would be notified. @Ben-ProductManager can you please correct anything on this thread, if needed. Thanks.

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It is working now. I’m actually not very techie. So I thought whatever I did(saved) thru my email, which I am “logged in” to would transfer to the app. I really don’t go to the app very often when I can just look on my email. Seems like I have to log on the the app pretty often, so not as user friendly to me. But happy it’s working now!

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A heart beside a ho application

Yes, they see it. I think they need a premium account to see it. (Maybe someone else can chime in with the details on that.)

If you favourite a sit, you will be notified whenever they have new dates.

Some home owners may contact you to sit for them if they see you have favourited their sit, but there is no obligation to do so.

Thanks wasn’t sure about it.

@Genevere Just to clarify the point @Kelownagurl was unsure of. If a homeowner has a standard or premium membership, they can see if a sitter favourites them with a heart.

If a sitter wants to be notified when one of their favourited homeowners posts a list, they need to use the phone app to mark the listing as a favourite.

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