Does having 'applicants' on your listing put off other sitters applying?

Great to see your listing now has 3 applicants @kmj. Good luck!


For me it depends on how many others have applied. If it’s only 2 or 3 I would definitely apply, if it’s 30 which sometimes does happen, no I wouldn’t apply. There are many variables on choosing to apply for a sit. That’s especially true for me on sits involving dogs.

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You won’t ever see more than four applicants now.


Where have you been for the past 6 months? You’ll never see more than 5 applicants

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FWIW @kmj, now that I have read your post & seen your listing I have saved you as a “dream sit” as I would 100% have applied if I had not arranged elsewhere for Christmas and would apply if you need a sitter in the future. It doesn’t mean you would like or accept me of course :joy: but just FYI I applied for my Christmas sit on Oct 15th, so planning early for next time might help.
Good luck; I can’t believe you have so few applicants as Ivy & Bindi look adorable (and your anonymous hen of course!)


It doesn’t put me off at all if there are other applicants. Not at all.

When I first joined I of course had no reviews, so I had to apply to several before I got my first sit. I was applying for all the ones I liked regardless that they had 4-7 applicants (before the new 5 max rule). And twice I was lucky and beat the other applicants because they were either tourists or from overseas and the UK HOs wanted Brit sitters so there’d be fewer complications.

So sitters, don’t be put off by other applicants. There could be many reasons why the other applicants are not suitable.

And now especially with the 5 maximum rule, apply while you have the chance. I find it a shame and a waste that some sitters would not apply if they see that others had.


We ended up with 5 applicants in total at different times. I have now secured a house sitter for Christmas so I guess multiple applicants was not a deterrent in this case. Thank you again for all your wonderful advice here, we are feeling much more confident that our dogs shall be happy and our first THO experience will be a success!


Yay! So glad you are all sorted… @kmj.

Your doggies look adorable. I saw your sit initially and was then already committed looking after a gorgeous golden retriever.

I am sure your lucky sitters will love their Christmas stay.


It doesn’t put me off as I know I am excellent at pitching (not to toot my own horn but yes) and have been chosen in a confirmed way despite there being other applicants.


Same here- if we really want a Sit we will always apply despite the applicant numbers (now ofcourse limited to 5) We got a sit once when there 25+ applicants- it was only 4-7 when we applied- One week later still no decision so we sent a very enthusuastic follow up and got the Sit! The host was procrastinating & our 2nd msg tipped the balance in our favour! :blush:


Yes! In my copywriting business, I learned that many people may not reply to the first pitch but will to the follow-up one and positively so!


Yes. I’ve noticed I have more chance of getting a sit if I’m the first to apply. If there are more than two applicants I don’t bother because it seems I am rejected in that case.

Don’t give up so easily @adamcchristie as you could just be what they’re looking for. We all face having our applications rejected, even after years of sitting with many sits under our belts but you’ve got to be in it to win it.

@adamcchristie @temba Actually, we see it too, more and more. I used to be excited to be one of the first 10 to apply, as I felt our chances were always good with our good reviews and solid applications. But these days, even after racking up reviews, I frequently find that being the 3,4,5th applicants just result in a decline without reason.

It could be twofold:

  1. We are currently in an area with high demand and low supply.

  2. Perhaps applications are submitted in haste and lacking thorough connection points with the owner.

It does get me down some days, especially as we’re full-time sitters. Not enough sits; browsing only to find those that’s already reviewing; and even getting in quick doesn’t feel like a win anymore. I’m sure it’s just the general location (Portugal/Spain).

I don’t think I would bother applying for a house sit if there was over 2+ applicants and the homeowner hadn’t already found someone suitable out of that lot.

Of course, to each and their own with how they find the right house sitters for their home.

I apply for anything that looks suitable, warm, welcoming and fits in with my schedule and have to learnt to keep moving forward if I am unsuccessful.

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Hi @MustLoveCats

A big welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas. We are really glad you found us and look forward to your participation in so many of our interesting threads.

If I could suggest that you add your profile link to your forum profile, (this is the way to add your profile link) >>

Once you do this, other members will be able to get to know you better.

Best wishes
Therese and the forum team

Welcome @MustLoveCats. Please note you will no longer see any listing with more than four applicants. When it reaches five it automatically goes to ‘reviewing applications’.
I would apply for any listings that are if interest to you regardless of the number of applicants. That way it opens a line of communication.

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Hi @botvot, I seem to have the opposite where I am; a plethora of sits with six locked in with no reviews and as a first timer.

Hi @temba, I seem to be in the very fortunate position of having most of my applications accepted and the option to be choosy.

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Are you in the UK? if yes- its a great place to start with such an abundance of sits!

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