Enjoying the opportunity!

I’ve been able to sit for two families since I signed on and gotten one friend to sign-up from my referral. Both of my sits were in Austin TX where my daughter moved this year. My friend wanted to get out of Michigan and she found a couple of sits in Florida and Georgia to do that in January. My third sit will be in Minnesota! In January! But that is where my son lives so I’m looking forward to it. I’ve really enjoyed this opportunity to visit family while not imposing upon their space as much as if I was camped out in their spare room!


Hi @BrigidAnn welcome to the forum and to our TrustedHousesitters community.

Your preference has always been mine also, pet & houses sitting while visiting family and friends, being close but not too close and having my own companions to care for and my own space to relax in, it really is a win win win win … the third win is for the pets, the fourth for family and friends who can enjoy having you around without giving up any of their space.

Congratulations on confirming three sits and referring your friend, that’s really the sweet smell of a new member’s success, do you have some tips to share with other new members? I’m sure they would love to hear them.

Enjoy Minnesota, the forum and connecting with our members from around the world. We look forward to sharing in your THS journey.

Angela and the Team

Hi @BrigidAnn and welcome! I wish you many happy sits!