Filtering Favorites

Perhaps this has been discussed and I provided this in the last few surveys to THS but when will the feature come out where I can search or filter my favorites by location and pets and other fields. While I appreciate the ability to save favorites, reviewing them in the future (which is why I save them in the first place) becomes super tedious and turns into a scrolling session that take way too long. I travel all over the world to sit so I have a lot of favorites. Any news on this request? Seems like the same functionality to search for sits could be applied to the favorite list so from a backend perspective it doesn’t seem that difficult. Thx a million for reading!


I see that I can apparently filter them
By favourite animal ??? But I have not saved a favourite animal anywhere on my profile, I was not aware that there is a place to do this .
Being able to filter by date / country as a minimum would be useful

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@Silversitters And if you filter by ‘currently seeking a sitter,’ 80+% will have no dates because they are already reviewing. I monitored for a month to see what was up.(I have over 4000 favourites, ~300 are listed as currently seeking a sitter at any one time. so its a good sample of the system as a whole)

Thing is. I have to scoll to around 50 to find the first one with live dates. Then they are randomly dispersed amongst the rest. And usually before I get to the end, the app crashes.

There is a risk that you bring down the site at 4096 favourites…

@pietkuip well, if there was any easy way of cleaning them up, I would. But there’s not. So I delete the one’s I’m no longer interested in one at a time.

Urgh! This is unacceptable and needs to be priotized by THS and addressed.

Exactly! How can we get THS to get the bare minimum filters in there?! Itvfeels like the site is driven by the owners needs but it’s takes two to tango. Thank you.