I’ve been booked for a sit in a few months and the communications are showing too many red flags and I don’t think it would be wise to go through with it. As I understand it the home owner has to cancel a sit from their side, is that right? Any advice on how I can politely but definitely withdraw from the sit?
Message them and tell them ASAP.
Though it’s not “Standard practice”, recommended etc etc, it is best for your own wellbeing to trust yourself. Those niggles are there for a reason.
The sooner you do, the sooner they can repost and find someone else.
Yes they have to press the button essentially. You can message them and say “Due to the addition/change/requests that have been added to the sit, it’s no longer a viable fit for me. Please cancel the sit and feel free to look for another sitter.” If they don’t respond then contact THS support and ask them for help & explain the reasons. #trustyourgut
HO here. Give them a decent excuse and ask them to cancel the sit. The sooner the better, for both of you. If they’re unresponsive or don’t want to cancel, talk to support.
Did you get it canceled?
Yes, thank you. I took the advise above and messaged a polite but firm ‘this isn’t going to work’ type of message and it was immediately accepted. Yet more lessons learned one sit (or not) at a time.
Thanks for updating. It always enriches the forum community to know how things work out.
I would say it could be educational and a gift that you withdrew. That way they can be able to clarify earlier the expectations with a prospective sitter and/ or adjust their expectations. Or not, as they choose. Best for the both of you to cancel as it is anyway. Best of luck with future sits.