Giving back word on a sit

I now find I am unable to do repeat sit I agreed to several weeks ago- the sit is two months away -is it possible to ask them to re list the sit ? Would I get a bad review ? What is the best way to go about this ?!

They can’t review you unless you do a sit.

You need to contact the HO, explain the circumstances, and ask them to cancel the sit. You should only cancel for exceptional circumstances.

Thanks for that .

If you are unable to do it, the host must cancel and re-list as UKsitter1 says. I’m sure it will work out ok. Many sitters looking for options in the new year.

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Did you confirm it? If you just “said” you would do it and they didn’t list it and you didn’t confirm it, then it’s not a THS sit. If you believe that they are expecting you to do the sit months from now and you can’t, then let them know as soon as possible so they can list it if they need to. Maybe their plans changed. Maybe their plan B is a neighbor. Just let them know.

If they actually invited you through THS and you confirmed, then you need to contact them and tell them you are no longer available and you need to cancel the sit. Technically, they could report you to THS if you don’t have an “extraordinory reason” for concelling, but usually people don’t do this. They just move on. You can’t get a bad review on a sit that hasn’t happened. If they refuse to cancel the sit which is a crazy thing that won’t happen, then you can go to THS and get them to cancel the sit.

In all likelihood, if you courteous and open and provide some excuse, then it is unlikely they’ll be too concerned, especially if it is weeks away. But then again, they might decide not to ask you back again.

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