Have you heard of Delaware?

Thanks to all who contributed. We had a great sitter, but sadly her mother passed away and she can’t be here. I will edit my listing about Sophie’s needs. Now that she’s older she can be left for the day as she sleeps all day anyway! Unfortunately, we can’t offer a car as we only have one and will drive it to the airport. As far as kayaking, I should add that we have kayaks and you can launch them from our backyard. We have dates available again if anyone is interested! Thanks!

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Coincidentally, I searched for Delaware last night, @Jennifergo. Sophie sounds sweet and your view is gorgeous. I didn’t apply, because our dates didn’t match. Maybe our timing will work out down the line.

I searched for Delaware, because I live in the D.C. area and was considering sits within driving distance. So far, I’ve done only fly-in sits, including one I’m on and others I have booked.

My beloved late MIL had a Lhasa Apso decades ago and he had the sweetest temperament. Likewise with other Lhasas I’ve met.

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Maybe we can work out a sit sometime. Sophie is a doll and everyone loves her! Good luck on your sits!


Thank you! That could be great!

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Hi… what available dates are you looking for sitters?

@Purplepatti we actually just got home. We had to resort to using a kennel. Thanks for checking.

That’s too bad… Keep us in mind for future dates… we would love to help you out.