Hello from - It's complicated!

Hi everyone,
We are Annette & Brendon, a couple in our 40’s. I was making a list of all our housesits to date, and we are currently doing number 25!
In 2019/2020 we attempted an ‘Around Australia’ housesitting tour. It went really well for 11 months, until Covid made our booked sits topple like dominoes.
After settling down for 2 years, we realised we’re not done traveling. So now we are on an ‘Around Europe’ housesitting trip.
Both work from home and loving the experience. We often have to pinch ourselves when we’re walking on an ‘off the beaten path track’ or dining in a small local cafe.
Joined the community to get some insight for when you encounter a dirty home, but love all the conversations from like minded people.


Hello @botvot Welcome to the TrustedHousesitters community forum. We’re looking forward to getting to know you and hearing your pet and travel stories. That is awesome you were able to travel all around Australia and now Europe.

The best way to find your way around the forum is to use the magnifying glass to search key words of topics that are of interest to you. This will lead you to posts that you can review. Here you will find lots of great info from other members who can answer most any question you may have.

I couldn’t see your profile as it is not tied to the forum, but if you want to link it, please follow below.

How to add a listing or profile link to your FORUM profile - Help, Website & Forum Support - TrustedHousesitters Community Forum 1

Good luck, and looking forward to seeing some of your adventures posted right here in the Forum.

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Hi @botvot I was trying to find the connection between the title of your post and the post itself. Maybe it is the positive things you mention such as being on sit number 25 and loving the experience. Then your post took a turn when you mentioned wanting “insight when others encounter a dirty home.”

There was a thread on the topic of ‘dirty houses’.Dirty houses

As @Julie_A suggested, if you type in key words by using the magnifying glass in the upper right hand corner, you may find topics that have been discussed previously.

@anon49809275 Hi Sharon! I wanted to give our details as to where we are saying hi from, but it might sound too complicated! We are true nomads. Both born in South Africa, one grew up in Germany. Then we lived in China, Ireland, UK, Netherlands, Germany and eventually settled in Australia…until we starte traveling again. Saying ‘Hi from XYZ’ is very complicated for us, as our XYZ keeps shifting :slight_smile:


wow true nomads indeed! What an exciting life. Where in Germany and the Netherlands did you live? I lived in Brunssum Netherlands and Illesheim Germany for a short period and loved both areas. We are so happy you found TrustedHouseSitters and that you have been able to utilize this wonderful community to travel and experience this beautiful world.

Thanks Julie, we feel blessed for the opportunity to have this lifestyle. We lived in Amsterdam and in Stuttgart.

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Amazing! Both beautiful cities. Best of luck on your future travels :hugs:

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