Hello from Surrey, UK

@Nads hello and welcome to our forum where you will find a great group of members who are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have along the way. Being a sitter who loves cats is going to be great as there are so many, many open sits right now for someone just like you.

I see you have not joined TrustedHousesitters yet, and if you have any questions about how to join, please follow Trusted Tips - How to get started as a house sitter - Owner & Sitter Exchange - TrustedHousesitters Community Forum. There is so much information you can find once you are into the site…from how to join to how to get those first sits like this Getting Your FIRST Sit - Sitter Questions, Advice & Chat - TrustedHousesitters Community Forum. You can see questions from other sitters who have asked similar questions and gotten great guidance from those who have been sitting for quite a while.

Once you join, make sure you link your member profile to your forum profile so you have extra exposure and ease of members who can give you great feedback on your listing.

Good luck, and make sure you share pics of your new adventures with all of us here on the forum!

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