Hi there!
We are new to the THS community but look forward to a long and fruitful association with this amazing and much-needed service!
My partner and I have not travelled as much as we’d like since we adopted our two adorable rescue street dogs in India. They moved with us to the UK where we now live. We’re hoping to get acquainted with THS so that we can plan some travel in the near future without displacing our dogs too much.
We accepted a sitter application for an upcoming trip in August, but have a longer trip back home coming up at the end of Nov.
Although we live in the city of Plymouth, the location is unbelievably versatile - beyond the vibrant city, we are minutes away from the breathtaking southwest coast path, Dartmoor, and some very beautiful beaches and coves. And we are just over the bridge from Cornwall as well.
We’ve tried to create an attractive and descriptive listing but we’d love some feedback on how we can improve our profile to attract sitters over the next few months!
Thanks in advance for reading and for any advice you can share! 
Hello @stluka and welcome to the forum and to TrustedHousesitters. I’m happy to give you some feedback on your listing.
I would edit the headline. Keep in mind that only about the first three or four words show in a website search, and a few more in an app search. Here’s a guide to help you edit the headline. I’d suggest you start it with Cozy Ocean City stay with …
Your details are thorough and well done, but perhaps too much emphasis on the dogs’ ‘quirks’. In the one section that contains “Our dogs are friendly, very affectionate, energetic and love their routine!” I would delete everything else in that paragraph. The sitters will make their own assessment based on the details you’ve provided, which are thorough.
Please be sure that you can comfortably showing this as a family friendly sit. If you keep it as such, you may want to set an age range for children you feel would be appropriate.
Keep in mind that as a premium member, you can boost your listing once.
Volunteer moderator 
Hello @stluka. A warm welcome to TrustedHousesitters and our wonderful community forum. I took a quick look at your listing, and you’re doing so many things absolutely correct that I could only find a few small things you might consider changing.
Pet sitters love animals, so I would suggest you change your first photograph to either the one of Kappi in the field, or the one where he’s on the sofa. His fabulous smile is sure to catch sitters’ eyes and make them want to learn more.
You might want to mention the widths of your beds [eg, “…comfortable double beds (xx cm wide)” as the term “double bed” means different things in different countries.
How close is the bus stop? Would you say buses come by frequently? If very close and frequently, you might want to mention that.
I agree with @Snowbird that the quick overview of the dogs’ routine paragraph could be shortened to just that one sentence.
As I said, these are really just “nits” (small, non-essential tweaks) you might make, as your listing already looks great as is.
I hope you find your perfect sitter soon.
Karen E
Hi @Karen_E and @Snowbird , thank you for being so generous with your feedback! This is all very helpful and will no doubt boost our applications. Will proceed to make all these changes now. Thank you again!
PS: Is it possible to change the cover photo to one of the dogs without having to add a photo of Kappi to the section about our house?
Many thanks,
@stluka As I don’t have an owner account, I can’t be much help on the practical side of things. However, I searched the Help on the main website and found this entry. Hopefully it will guide you.
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