Hey from L.A

@Cory Hello Cory and a big welcome to TrustedHousesitters and the forum from all the team! Sorry to hear about your life change but hope there are lots of pets and people in your very near future to help you transition :slight_smile: It sounds like you’ve made some positive plans and we look forward to following your journey and travels as you connect with the house sitting community.

We have removed your link as we are asking our forum members to pin their sitter profile links within their forum profile rather than on posts. This is because the best opportunity for success is on the website where ALL members are focused, searching and benefiting from the options available.

We’ve just updated the Forum guidelines so that you can see where to do that under the section “Update my Profile”. Updated "How To Use Our Community Forum" Is Here, but do let us know if you need help. You can direct message anyone on the team, any time.

Enjoy finding your way around all the topics and invaluable feedback here from our new and experienced members, and we hope you are soon booking your planned trip as a house sitter!! Take care, Vanessa