My partner Tony and I retired, in 2018 to this coastal village, by the NSW Mid Coast. I first brought my son camping to the Pacific Palms region, when he was only 6, ( I became enamoured) and returned every year for 10 days as a Summer Holiday. I now live with my partner in the region and we have been adopted by one of the local dogs. Lucy the Parsons Jack Russell, however we would like to do some travelling over the next few years and therefore will need petsitters.
NSW Australia?
Welcome @tzugypsy, fellow Aussie from Queensland. You come from a lovely part of Oz. I’m sure you will have no trouble finding sitters when the time comes, enjoy!
Welcome to this great community
You will spend hours reading all sorts of great information (if you are anything like me). Will you be doing sits on your travels or just looking for sitters. Next year we will definitely be looking forward to coming east and doing sits.
Hi Neil & Fiona,
This is our first try with the trusted housesitters. Tony and myself have not travelled very much since going to NZ in 2019. We did not have Lucy then. We rescued Lucy in a way. She initially belonged another family a couple of blocks away. Howver the kids went to school, and mum n dad went to work and Lucy got bored. She would escape and then travel around the suburb looking for food and company. She pretty well decided our house was good fun because we would take her for a walk, play ball and give her tidbits. Eventually the family decided they didnt want her anymore and were going to give her back to Jack Russell rescue. So we thought it was best that Lucy adopt us.
We hopeto do a bit more travel in future but no plans yet.
Thanks for the email. Kris.