Hello @Loulabell0 and a warm welcome to our community! You’ll find lots of helpful advice across a wide range of topics, and I’m sure you’ll get some feedback here.
Boosting is quite simple and available to our standard and premium members, and as premium members you can do this as follows:
- From the Dashboard, click on the down chevron to the right of your user image
- Select YOUR LISTING from the dropdown menu
- To the right of your dates you’ll see a box (as shown in screenshot below) to BOOST THESE DATES
Before you do this I have a couple of small suggestions that might help attract more applications.
The first is to reload the home images taken at night-time as daytime photos or move them so that your first image in particular is a daytime shot.
The second is that you have a menagerie of lovely pets, and so there is quite a lot of information in your listing which is currently a little difficult to read with ease. Adding some paragraph breaks would really help and make it much easier to see which pets need which care.
You might also find it helps to add your listing link to your profile here in the forum as this gives you more exposure and other members might also have some great advice for you too. I’m around most of the day so if you have any trouble with this, let me know and I’ll pop it up for you.
There’s plenty of time before your sit starts, so I would take the time to make some adjustments before boosting as you only get one chance to do this.
Finally, I just love Basset Hounds and had to share this image…
Is this Florence or Bodecia?
Hope this helps and have a lovely weekend,