Hello! I recently joined, and am hoping to find the right person to sit for my young cat and lovely rowhouse next month.
Do any of you have owner tips to share? How can I make my listing more appealing? Are there small touches you can do to make your home more inviting, welcoming to a sitter when they arrive? Other than your travel checklist, do you have a checklist before your leave your home/pet to someone, other than the essentials?
Hoping to find a great sit, and overall I think the concept is fantastic - from browsing around it’s clear that a nice community seems to have grown from the membership, and I hope to be a part of it.
Many thanks for your time!
Hello @raztaj and welcome to the forum. There is a wealth of information already on the forum on the points you’ve mentioned. If you use the spyglass and search key words, you’ll find relevant post threads.
I would suggest you first read Angela’s 10 tips so that you can create an effective listing that is likely to attract applicants.
Perhaps also read feedback to the product team on what amenities sitters like to see at a sit.
Once you’ve had a chance to review what’s available, if you have specific questions our forum members will be happy to try and help.
Voluntary Forum Moderator
Hi @raztaj, Welcome to THS and the forum. I have had a look at your listing and it already sounds very appealing. The fact that you’ve mentioned how firm/soft were the mattress really show your sense of details and how you thoughtful you are towards future sitters! Been on sit several time, I never seen that in a listing yet so good point! Also very appreciated your clarity and informative tips about what to do in the area. In short if I would jump on the application button 
One thing that you could add is if Ramona is an indoor cat or not. Normally a good sitter will ask you that anyway, especially to know if she can jump and on the fence and needs extra attention while outside (if she’s allowed to go in the garden).
The other thing that would be good to precise is if you are looking for non smokers only or if smoking is allowed outside (only).
On a sitter’s perspective, it’s appreciated when the HO gives a warm welcome, you can offer some local products (doesn’t have to be expensive but it’s nice gesture) or prepare a meal if the HS have travelled for a long time, and most of all provide a clean home and have a clear and kind communication about your expectations and everything relevant.
Oh I forgot about coffee, too many ppl do not offer a cup of coffee at arrival. I would suggest you that extra easy touch of attention 
Hope you’re going to enjoy it here and find some great sitters 
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Welcome! As a former DMV resident who tries to return to see friends when I can, it’s always great to see a new sit option in the area.
I would spend some time reading some of the threads in the owner/sitter exchange section as there are tons of discussions about what sitters look for in a sit and the extra touches they enjoy. Remember to take them all with a grain of salt though as everyone has different preferences. I, for example, hate coffee. 
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I guess the best advice would be to ask what are your (future) sitter’s preferences in term of food and drinks if you want to make an extra extra touch of attention.
I have lost count on how many coffee we have at work esp on busy days as most of health professionals who are coffee addicts
but ofc everyone has different preferences 
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