Host profile no longer "live" unless dates are posted?

I logged in to THS today to add some new photos and update information about our home.

But something has changed. On the dashboard, I now see a message in red text that says “Not live - please add dates”

This didn’t happen before. Our house and pets were visible to those browsing our region and country in without dates needing to be posted. This allowed prospective house sitters to find and save our profile before we had posted dates.

Are host profiles now hidden unless they have dates posted? This seems like a big downgrade in the opportunities for finding hosts and sitters on the platform.

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My listing does not have active dates and I found it in a search on the app.

Went to listing to edit…no red text.

Are you on web or app?

Can you send a screen shot?

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Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 19.12.34|609x500](upload://UACJBYD8m5e2GhsrGxTr1jaoj7.jpeg)

This is what I see… a bit difficult to test, but it seems like our listing is hidden.

(Anyone here is welcome to prove me wrong by searching for us in Vännäs, Sweden and reassuring me it’s not the case :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: )

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THS November update is an epic FAIL for both hosts and sitters

The screenshot of owners listing was removed due to posting terms
@JamesLivesInSweden Is this you?

The screenshot of the owner listing was removed due to posting terms

Your lovely listing is definitely on there @JamesLivesInSweden and now you’re in our favourites too :rofl::raised_hands:t3: My brother lives in Åre :sweden:


Yes, thank you! That’s us. (Bonus of getting some free marketing on the THS forum :innocent:)

So the profile is live, but the dashboard presents an erroneous message “your profile is not live”.

Good to know

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@JamesLivesInSweden your listing is not “live” if you don’t have any posted dates.

It’s under the not accepting applications.

“Not live” may not be the best lingo but I believe that’s why it says “not live.”

It may be a safe guard to alert that if you think you posted dates…in fact not…

Hello, @JamesLivesInSweden Thank you for reaching out to the forum for help. I’m glad that others have been super helpful and verified that they can see your listing.

Apologies @HelloOutThere & @LauraT I had to remove the screenshots of the owner’s listings due to the posting terms. However, thank you for being helpful and taking the time to find the listing and help the OP!

Feel free to DM the OP screenshots in the future and @JamesLivesInSweden you can add the link to your home listing to your forum profile for other to see if you would like to.

If you need any more help let me know :slight_smile: Thank you again for everyone jumping in to help!