It’s been over a week and my profile is not yet live so I am unable to apply for any sits.
How long does it usually take?
thank you in advance,
It’s been over a week and my profile is not yet live so I am unable to apply for any sits.
How long does it usually take?
thank you in advance,
To the best of my recollection it shouldn’t take more than a few hours, one day at the most.
Are you 100% sure that you completed all the steps?
Update: Even though I cannot see the entire website as my membership has expired, just by clicking on your name I’m under the impression that your profile is live…
thank you @Peonie19 - went back in to my profile again as it appeared I had taken care of all the steps. But missed an important one…references! I don’t have anything recent but will be hanging out with my godson’s 15-year old Chihuahua over the holidays so I will ask his Mom for a reference when they return from their trip.
Good idea! You can also ask colleagues and friends to write you a personal/character reference, not necessarily one tied to having taken care of a pet.
A post was split to a new topic: Advise on how to become a sitter
Hi! Im also waiting fornprofule approval. Are references required to go live? I already have someone who wants me to house sit so i dont need to get references aet up right now and wanted to do those later.
@Miahermine: No, you don’t need references for your profile to go live. I’ve never added references and I’ve been sitting for nearly a year on THS.
@Miahermine My profile wouldn’t go live until I received a reference. @Maggie8K they must have changed something since you signed up.
That’s odd, because THS content about references hasn’t been updated AFAIK. Like part of it still says, “Request external references - References are all helpful in putting a pet parents’ mind at rest. Many will not give a profile a second glance if it does not have any references. So as you can see, they are very important and there is no limit to how many you can have.” … The implication there is that references are optional. Unless they changed the requirements and haven’t updated the guidance? @Carla and @Jenny, do you know?
Hello, @Maggie8K always happy to help where I can
I believe you now have to request a reference to get started and this was updated in the Spring. I can see it was mentioned on this topic in May 2023.
@Miahermine are you able to go to your dashboard, then select edit profile and then click add references? This should get you on your way and if you need any more help please reach out to Membership Services. I hope you get up and running with your profile soon!