How long to wait

Hi there
I’m new to TH as a sitter - I’ve just found a great sitter via the site for my home, and have sitting experience through using another site.
When people contact me re: my house sits, I get back to everyone that applies, thanking them, letting them know I’m making a decision and when that decision will be made.
I’ve just applied for two sits - one was acknowledged and sitting at the ‘review’ stage (two weeks) and another not read and the HO pulled the listing.
Once a sitter confirms do unsuccessful candidates get informed? I’d like to apply for another sit which overlaps but not sure as I wouldn’t want to let someone down. How long should I wait with the sit at ‘reviewing’? Thanks!

Hello @Chortlepuss and welcome :wave:t3: It totally varies on waiting and responses and timeliness when applying for sits.

Apply for multi sits all the time, it’s like looking for a job. You don’t know which one you’ll get, if they like you, how good they are at replying and so on.

Here’s a a thread to help and if you use the spyglass at the top of the forum there are loads more

Good luck :+1:t3:


Yes. The THS system will send you a nice email:
“We’re sorry you didn’t get selected this time around. Don’t get discouraged! Rest assured, there are plenty more pets looking for a sitter just like you.”

@Chortlepuss there is no need to wait for a reply before applying for other sits (even if they overlap ) you are not letting anyone down.

If the Homeowner hasn’t confirmed the sit and you haven’t agreed to sit then neither party has made any commitment at this stage.

I am in a similar situation this week I saw two sits that are suitable for me , I applied for both on the same day (the dates overlap ) so if I am offered both I will only be able to accept one of them .
With the second application the homeowner replied immediately and we have a video call set up for a chat. The first homeowner still hasn’t replied to my application.

Applications get automatically paused after the first 5 sitters apply - so if you see a sit that suits you it’s recommended that you apply quickly -

If I had only applied for the first one (that hasn’t got back to me ) I would have missed out on applying to the second one .

If you are confirmed and accept a sit you can withdraw your other applications for those same dates at that stage with a message to say that you are no longer available as you’ve been accepted for another sit.#yousoozeyoulose

As @pietkuip mentioned, you will get a note if another sitter is confirmed and that sit is no longer available.

If I were you, I would not wait for anyone unless they’ve given you a firm and reasonable time frame to receive a response and you’re ok with that. Past that, don’t let an HO/potential sit block your chances of getting another sit if they have not confirmed you.

Until you are confirmed, it’s fair game.

I reacted like you when I started petsitting on THS. Now I may wait for a bit, depending on how far in the future the sit is, but then I do apply for an overlapping sit. Since the 29th of December, I have started applying for in total of 8 sits (most of them even in the last 7 days). So far 1 never replied for a sit in early February (I canceled my application now) and 4 found another sitter. 3 are still pending on the HO ‘reviewing’. One to start in 4 weeks (with travel & tickets needed), so that is beginning to annoy me. One for September so I don’t care if it takes them some more time. But don’t be shy to apply for overlapping sits.

Lots of good advice here - thank you for your replies!

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