Hi there, we are new to THS and after being excited to join and then finding what we think is a perfect sit for us, we cordially sent off the system email to the Pet Parents.
It’s now Day 4 and we have heard nothing, is that usual? Surely it would be an advantage if there was at least a notification alert that said ‘the Pet Parent is reviewing your application’?
Members are supposed to reply to each other within 72 hours but given that it’s the holiday season they may be occupied with other things - does it say that the message has been read ?
You may want to read similar threads where this has been discussed
There is a Read receipt for messages, but technically no one is obligated to respond to your submission. It’s rude not to, but ppl do it.
If I hadn’t heard back in 4 days, I would move on. Also, you don’t owe anyone anything until you have actually clicked the button and committed to the sit. Until then, apply to as many as you want.
@Tonipeters Don’t take this first experience as a representation of all THS sits! It’s the holiday time after all & many people will be busy with family activities. Keep applying until you find a responsive host and a good fit! 1-2 weeks is a common length but we have done all kinds of sits from 2 days to 6 weeks. We’re currently on a 5 week Christmas sit which is longer than our usual but we wanted that- a cosy winter sit! We applied to a lot of sits before getting our first. 5 years later and we are now super experienced having done sits all around the world! Its a great learning curve! Don’t give up. You’ll get your first sit before you know it!
Encouraging and many thanks. We feel that without recommendations or false testimonial (which I guess some people might do) how do you really convince the PP that you are the ones for the job. It’s a bit like CV’s anyone can write anything!
My average this year has been two weeks (141 days in ten sits). I have done two that were a month.
It all depends on what one is looking for. There are awfully many listings that are for just a few nights. Maybe I will do a bunch of those next year, on a cycling tour of England.
Since you are new on THS, it is probably difficult for you to get the long sits now. Your chances get much better if you have reviews on the site. So my advice would be to start with applying to some short ones, not far away. Maybe you can still get something for New Years Eve!
@Tonipeters we started with THS this year in U.K. We also were looking for long sits .
We did 10 sits and they were
1x 8 weeks,
1x 6 weeks ,
3x 3 weeks
3x2 week,
2x1 week (to fill in gaps)
5 of these were repeat sits (including the 2 long ones ) because we built a rapport with the homeowners.
From my experience, it’s most likely that before someone chooses you for a long sit they will want to see some reviews from sits on the THS platform ( or have had you sit for them for a shorter sit first ).
My suggestion is to apply for some shorter (maybe local sits and last minute) sits and get a few reviews before expecting to be accepted for a long sit .
We starting by applying for local sits , in our application we offered to meet in person with the homeowner if they wished (to provide reassurance as we were new to THS ).This approach worked for us and we were accepted for our first four applications very quickly (same day) .
Then once we had a few reviews we found that our applications for destinations further away and longer sits were also chosen very quickly . We already have 7 sits booked in for next year all for HO that we haven’t sat for before and have just been invited to do a month sit for the hosts that we just finished a 1 week sit for on the weekend.
Keep in mind that if it is an especially desirable sit you will have a minimum of 4 other sitters applying (who may have 100+ reviews each ) So don’t expect to be chosen every time . Don’t give up applying , it can take a lot of applications to get accepted for your first sit.
There’s also no harm done by reaching out to the HO of the sit you’ve applied for to ask if they have any questions for you or would like a video call with you .
Please report back to the forum when you get your first sit confirmed .
I suggest you consider from a host’s POV what they’d be concerned about most and figure out how to convey your trustworthiness and relevant experience. Generally, it’s better to show, rather than tell. Like it’s flimsier to just say you’re responsible. Instead, try to highlight examples of how you’ve been responsible.
Some things you can’t control. Like some hosts prefer couples or folks who are seasoned and have owned homes. And if that’s not you, you might face more challenges in landing sits, especially early on. That’s why many sitters start with local sits and ones that are less desirable, so they can build reviews.
I’ve seen a good number of longer sits since I joined in February. I notice, because I prefer one- or two-week sits, by contrast. Even when I started out — without reviews or recommendations — I was offered an unsolicited six-week sit in a good location with lovely, easygoing dogs and a clean, comfortable home, with a car. Early on, I also was offered an unsolicited three-month waterfront sit in Hawaii, because the host was going on sabbatical. It helped that I wrote my profile to address what hosts most often prioritize.
The average sit we’ve listed is around 2 weeks with shortest at around 4-6 days and longest 3ish weeks.
I wouldn’t be discouraged at all. If your profile is new, it may also be beneficial to make sure it’s completely fleshed out:
thoughtful and relevant copy
good photos
as many external references as you can get
and get some local sits regardless of length on the books so that you have a history of TH sits and can get some on-platform reviews.
Once your profile gets going, it’s not terribly difficult to get a sit but also keep in mind that location and other factors can increase/decrease how many other people are applying for that same sit.
I’m sure you’ll have a great time once you find the right sits! I’ve found having a pragmatic approach is my best bet when setting my expectations. X
I have been doing sittings for just over a year. Getting your first one can be tough, and I actually did my first 3 very near home so that I could visit the family beforehand and get them to know me. As for the responses, keep on applying until you get one. A lot of HO don’t bother to respond or acknowledge your application