Our family has completed 12 sits now and all the homeowners have invited us back in the future and have even sent invites. I feel bad for declining as I want our family to keep experiencing new places. But just curious for the sitters who have done repeat sits, do the pets remember you?
We have been sitting full-time for over 3 years and so far, we’ve only done 2 repeat sits. Mainly for the same reason as you, we want to explore different places.
In both cases we were taking care of dogs and went back 1 year later. It’s hard to know if the animals really remember you. Of course you like to think that they do and if they seem very enthusiastic, maybe they really do!
I guess it also depends a lot on how long the sits were. Looking after a pet for 3 months or 1 week will likely have a different outcome.
We started with THS this year and like you all of our completed sits have invited us back. We keep the door open in case we might want to go back or be in the same area in the future. We already did a repeat sit for our very first THS .
When we returned to the property it was several months later . We got out of the car the dogs came out to the stable yard to greet us , not barking , but tails wagging.
I sat for one kitty 3 times in a 6 month period. I think she remembered me.
In two weeks I head to London for a summer sit … Teazel the cat is 13, we first sat her when she was a year old and we’ve only missed 3 summers, Pandemic and one other due to prior commitments in the States.
October … it’s Casey x five (at least) and Barclay x 5 … Many other repeat sits too and to answer your question @IHeartAnimals even cats remember you, well they do us anyway.
We do return sits, and yes the pets remember us everytime. When you’ve spent a couple of weeks full-time non-stop with pets they totally remember you, especially dogs.
Almost all my sits are repeats… I think two are at least as 6 times each. And yes, the pets remember!
I use TH for different reasons than most people, as I try to stay within 2.5 hrs from home. The sit that I’m on It’s just an hour from my house and it saves me so much time! It doesn’t take 2 hours in the car to do all those in-town errands. I got my car fixed, I had two medical appointments, and a haircut!
Even some of the places that are too far from home have invited me back, but I don’t care to drive 6 hours, one way, for a 4-day stay.
I have done several repeat sits, and the pets remembered me each time. Dogs and cats. I love repeat sits, much more relaxed than getting used to a new place every time.
We’ve done a local sit six times now looking after the dog and he would go absolutely crazy with excitement when we arrived and definitely remembered us. He unfortunately just passed away last week and I can honestly say that we were just as upset as his pet parents. He was such a good-natured dog. We also did an international sit twice for the same couple two years apart. The dog got so excited when we arrived, he piddled on the floor so we knew he remembered us
Nice! They must have been super excited to piddle!
Nearly all my sits are repeats now because I have established relationships with people in my favorite places and I love the pets.
They always remember me.
Wow that must be a great sit to return so many times
@Amparo wow that is terrific. So what are some of your favorite repeat destinations?
I’ve done many repeat sits, and in a few days I start my seventh sit for one HO. Yes, the pets remember me (maybe not the gerbils, but maybe so). Animals are much smarter than they’re given credit for.
In the next year I will be spending most of my time in the UK. I have folks there I have visited often since 2019.
Yes, many repeat Sits mainly through our Home Exchange relationships. The pets certainly remember us, and I am sure that the Owners are so happy when the Pets are glad to see us!
We have two sits that are repeats for us. The first is one that we did for years before even joining THS and he absolutely knows who we are and what our routines are (he sits with me on the couch and will ask for treats from my husband, never the other way around). The 2nd is an adorable pair that we’ve watched twice. They 100% remembered us the second time (and also remembered exactly which of us fed them and which played with toys). While we love new places, we’ve definitely found the area of the country we love and choose to do repeat sits there.
That’s really nice. Maybe as we sit longer and meet more pets and go to more places, we will find destinations that we want to return to
We thought that @IHeartAnimals but we keep finding new places & pets to meet and explore so haven’t had time to go back anywhere yet even though they keep asking us to….
I do quite a lot of repeat sits, the owners have become friends, keep in touch and arrange their holidays around my availability usually booking a year ahead. I mostly look after cats and owners have said their pets like me more than them. Too generous with Dreamies possibly!