HI @Lauraa when a listing is no longer active it remains on the site as “Listing without dates” one of the reasons is when sitters search a location they can see a selection of listings all of which can go live at anytime in the future.
Angela, relating to your response, if we click ‘saved’ on those ‘listing without dates’ - which would be after the sits are done - does this notify the homeowner in any way that we are interested in that sit/location? When they next need a sitter, can they see that we’ve marked them as ‘saved’?
I’m talking about sits apparently available on my saved-search. They still have dates. They have been there for many weeks. If they had been filled, would they auttomatically come off the page? I could show you screenshots. This has been true for many years.
@Lauraa please DM me screen shots and I will help clarify for you @Snowbird will take this up for you when the team are back on Monday …
Thank you both, this also keeps me up to date and quickly answer member’s questions about functionality
Can you clarify something. I’m working on my new listing and it’s done except for adding our dates. Sitters don’t see my listing, correct? So this situation is when a listing is Active, and then dates are taken down?
I’ve followed London sits as long as I’ve been a member, since 2012 or 13. At the moment there are 69 available sits for London.
The first screencapture is for one I believe I’ve been seeing for a couple of months - anyway a long time. It’s the next to last on the last (6th) page of the London sits and shows up to 50 applications.
Did she find a sitter and never take the listing down?
Did she not find a sitter?
Is she still looking for the perfect person?
The second capture is a few listings earlier and shows up to 15 applications.
I’ve always believed the first listings are the oldest - is that still true?
We applied for this one. 8 - 11 applicants , due to start today, still listed and our application is still unread?
@Lauraa & @toml thank you for sharing these listings.
I will forward to Membership Services who will contact the owners for a status update. When there are sits with multiple, unanswered applications, many owners miss the “Pause Applications” option, Membership Services will contact the owner.
Newly approved listing are at the front.
The date first posted should appear on listings. Then whether the sit is filled or not sitters have a clear idea something is not right when a date is quite old. These were just random examples - there are always listings like this hanging around.
I have noticed at times that some homeowners seemed to take a long time to decide on a sitter, but I hadn’t thought that perhaps it was a system issue or lack of understanding of the process.
On another site, where the listing date is shown, if I see a posting that’s been there a while and still has very few applicants, or none at all, it’s a red flag for me. I take more time reviewing the details.
@Angela_L , I think it’s important that we have as many ways as possible to make a good decision. I hope this suggestion will be considered, as I can’t see any negative aspect to it.
Thank you @Snowbird being a full time sitter also I agree the more information both sitters and owners have can help in choosing the right sit and sitter and ensure every experience is a successful one.
We will take up with the Product Team, who constantly have their eyes on member’s feedback via the Forum also.
Hi @meow there is a product update from Ben our Product Manager where he outlines work completed and projects in progress, this will be a regular update what I can say is watch for the updates. The team are aware of all of our member’s functionality wish lists and plan work according to resources and priorities.